A First Quarter Moon of Struggle to Maintain Vision

A First Quarter Moon of Struggle to Maintain Vision

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Sunday's First Quarter Moon, arriving one week after the intensely transformational Grand Cross Gemini New Moon, therefore serves as a further delineation of our understanding of ourselves and of our most basic mission, in light of the experiences and insights of the preceding week. We are seeing how the seed vision with which we began this time might fare as we encounter the inevitable delays, obstacles and practical requirements that our dreams have had to run up against. As far as the presence of Pluto and Uranus that showed up so strongly, along with the other outer planet energies, in the recent New Moon, they remain prominent in this current configuration, implying that the transformational process in which we were then engaged is still quite active now. Pluto remains closely trined by Jupiter, and by the lunar North Node, while Uranus is closely aspected by the Sun, the Moon and notably Venus, in partile sextile, while Uranus is even more closely conjoined to Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto, which stands for a Warrior Goddess in support of soul intention.

Eris is indeed coming to the fore, along with Uranus, as the summer months begin. Their conjunction at 23 Aries remains within one degree of exact for many weeks, right up to the fall and the U. S. presidential election. As far as the remainder of the electioneering, we have already seen a wild and uniquely individualized campaign on the part of all three major participants, with the establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, recently successful in the late primaries, having been all along faced with a challenge to maintain her lead in what was once considered a sure thing for her. The month of July will likely provide further surprises, given this astrological picture, as Bernie Sanders in particular continues to exemplify standing up for that in which he most deeply believes, against some very long odds.

Saturn and Neptune in square alignment form an important backdrop to the archetypal influences of Uranus, Pluto and Eris. Their square is almost perfect now, and then we have Neptune stationing retrograde just one day after this First Quarter Moon configuration, so that the power of Neptune is thus greatly magnified, representing glimpses of what lies beyond the three-dimensional physical world of what we can concretely see and touch. Expansive Jupiter remains in contra-parallel with Neptune. This increases the potential for flights of fancy and for taking the subtle and largely unseen world of Spirit more directly into account in our thought process, even as the prominence of Saturn urges conservative caution, retaining the status quo, and allowing for the practicalities of the situation to assert themselves. We do well to continue to come from the highest within us at all times, while yet honoring also the presence of more mundane considerations, such as human failure, ego concerns, and the necessity of feeding our physical bodies as well as the hungry eyes of our plentiful imaginations.

The Sabian Symbols for this First Quarter Moon are instructive. The symbol for the Moon, in the 22nd degree of Virgo, reads, "A royal coat of arms enriched with precious stones." This reminds us that within the accolades of business as usual, as symbolized by Saturn, there lies a rich storehouse of potential wisdom of an unusual variety, the true gems of our occupation here in earthly realms. We win when we acknowledge the power of what lies deep within us, even as we go about our daily activities that put our bread upon the table. Marc Edmund Jones has, "a gift for bringing all [humans] together for common purpose." For the Sun, in the same degree of Gemini, we find, "A barn dance," which brings in the instinctual life of country folk and ways, including animal friends and joyous community. Jones has, "Richness of living comes from an uninhibited sharing of everyday potentialities, together with a maximum of happy give-and-take between [individuals]." We are reminded that there still is a potent slice of Jupiter in the midst of the more troubling astrological factors outlined above, indicating that we have a good basis for expressing our gladness, plentiful appreciation, and faith in the cosmos to be on our side, and to see us through.

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