A Late Sagittarius Full Moon of Lessons and Consolidation

A Late Sagittarius Full Moon of Lessons and Consolidation

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Full Moon that takes place early Monday morning, June 20th, the same day as a dynamic Summer Solstice, is quite interesting in that it repeats the Grand Cross from the Gemini New Moon of two weekends past, together with the strong presence of Pluto that was also a factor in that configuration. This indicates that what we have been dealing with over these past two weeks, both individually and as a society, is still very much up for us during the final two weeks of this contentious and ultimately transformative monthly cycle, and is entering a new phase of consolidation of the changes that are happening, together with a greater understanding of what it is that we are truly up to. In this timing, too, we find the Sun in the final degree of the sign of Gemini, the same sign that was occupied by the New Moon. We can see in this last-degree symbolism that there is an implied following up on the issues brought forward at the New Moon timing, together with a strong impulse for finally getting it right, no matter what that takes. The thirtieth degree of any sign is considered a "last-chance" degree in that the issues represented by that planet in that sign are being cleared, as the planet prepares to enter, with the next sign, into a new developmental stage.

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is therefore strongly implicated in this symbolism as well, and, quite appropriately, is found exactly opposite the limiting and educational presence of Saturn, occupying the same degree of Sagittarius. The square between each of these planets and Neptune is also still very close, being less than a quarter of a degree in the case of Saturn, while the Grand Cross that includes Jupiter in mid-Virgo remains operative also. This indicates a powerful conflict, or contrast, between the physical (Saturn) and that which lies beyond the physical, as represented by Jupiter-Neptune. This can also be seen as contrasting points of view between conservative and liberal choices, and between holding back from extremes and novel solutions in order to foster the stability of the status quo versus a damn-the-torpedoes going all out for idealistic principles.

This latter point of view is also symbolized by Uranus and Eris in close conjunction, representing visionary departure from established ways in the direction of deep soul intention. This holds true through to the ending of the current year, at 23 degrees of Aries, and also in close inconjunct aspect with retrograde Mars, stationing direct by month's end at the same degree of Scorpio. From now until Mars' June 29th station, and into July, he will occupy this degree, which brings the passion and the militancy of Mars very much to the fore over this entire period of time. We could see tempers flare and dubious actions taken, as we have seen already in the days leading up to this important juncture.

With Mars completing his lengthy retrograde period these last ten days of the month, we may also detect in ourselves an inward turning, as we check into ourselves for our internal motivation, and to discover where we are held back by our fears. This is symbolically echoed as well by a strong presence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in T-square with this Full Moon and aspected by the Mars station, and by Uranus- Eris. This is therefore a powerful time of inner investigation, when we might be able to resolve many riddles of our existence and straighten up difficult places within that are in need of major change.

Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are enlightening, though perhaps a trifle bizarre; they are, for the Sun in the thirtieth and last degree of Gemini, "Bathing beauties," which — taken as an emblem of soul — reminds us that we each one of us have something to celebrate, some special value that we bring to the collective experience. Marc Edmund Jones remarks upon "human excellence," and that we are all possessed of an inner worth that is "wholly inadequate except as it is able to meet some need of everyday experience with the elements inherent in its makeup [being] free from any and all responsibility to anything other than itself." For the Moon in the same degree of the opposite sign, we find, "The Pope," thus recapitulating excellence of soul in a more stately and religious vein, as appropriate to the philosophical sign of Sagittarius. Jones references "the various social and political hierarchies of modern civilization," and "effective and spectacular sacrifice of self in some enduring service to the race at large." The quality expressed is one of pure statesmanship, a value sorely lacking in today's materialistic and rationally self-interested age, and one that we might feel to be in resurgence. The hope is that we are enabled to individually rise to the occasion and place ourselves upon the line, in response to an increasingly obvious dire necessity, for the sake of planet earth, and, in our best moments, for ourselves.

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