A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday morning’s Last Quarter Moon has a lot going on, including the recent station direct of Mercury, and brings to us a strong reminder of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that will continue to be a factor in the current astrology for the remainder of this fractious decade. It is interesting also to note that the Fall Equinox has taken place less than one day prior, so that the Sun, newly entered into Libra, is emblematic of reaching for balance between alternatives, and between the male and female energies inherent to the human condition that are at times in conflict with one another. The Moon in Cancer, in the midst also of its square alignment with the Sun in Libra, suggests on the other hand that individual root issues of home and family concerns are vital in this regard as well. As far as the position of SD Mercury, that normally swift planet has only just begun to regain its forward momentum, following its station to direct motion of late Wednesday, early Thursday morning, depending on location, so that this alignment represents one peak of the entire Mercury Retrograde period. This is the time when the messenger of the gods is stopped almost dead-still in the sky and changing direction, and as such represents a strong chance still for chaotic outcomes, here below, particularly with items involving mental functioning. In this Last Quarter Moon configuration, a fraction of a degree further along from where it stationed on late Wednesday night, Mercury makes a connection to Pluto that is precise, being only one half of a minute of a degree away from a perfect trine aspect. This implies that we are growing vastly more conscious of the major transformation that is currently underway in the deep psyche of each one of us, and in the culture at large, as this divisive and rather strange American election season draws ever closer to its unknown conclusion.

The astrology of this third lunar phase is always about a shift in awareness, as we absorb the lessons of the lunation cycle thus far and prepare for the next. We are undoubtedly in a very different place now than where we were at the beginning of this cycle, and our attitude reflects this, catapulting us into a new stage of awareness and evolving worldview. As we conceptualize in a different way regarding events and our responses to them, over the previous three weeks of the present Virgo cycle, we grow in understanding of what is really going on both within us and outside of ourselves also.

Nuances of Uranus in its square with Pluto are also in the cosmic currents of this Last Quarter Moon. Mars remains in trine with Uranus, and Neptune is in parallel, while the conjunction of Eris with Uranus has become very close indeed, greatly strengthening his trickster presence. The implication with all this Uranus emphasis is a strong hit of synchronicity that becomes intensified over this week and weekend, with as well a wake-up call to intuitional understanding. This grants us in its happiest moments a larger sense of purpose, and in combination with Pluto sponsors a true revolutionary and evolutionary cycle of growth and change. With Pluto so strongly in the picture of this quarter Moon configuration – always ready to overthrow existing structures in favor of the necessary rebirth – we therefore have a reminder of our massive changes that are still underway while the current Uranus-Pluto cycle has years to fully run its course. As we embrace the conflicts and breakthroughs of this latter half of our present decade that we could call “the Turbulent Teens,” we might note that these powerhouse planets symbolize the potentially disruptive constancy of change that makes life worth living.

The other big factor in the astrology of this quarter Moon configuration, and for the coming weekend, is the Sun’s conjunction with expansive Jupiter, himself newly entered into Libra, sign of diplomacy, partnership and egalitarian balance. This is a very nice addition of positive energy for the timing of Friday and the weekend that follows. Librans, all Cardinal signs, and Sagittarians in particular might be feeling expansive; love is in the air and relationships thrive. There is still a strong presence of Saturn in this picture also, contrasting with Jupiter and with Neptune, so that the extraordinary responsibilities of these stressful time are also on our minds, along with the joyful vision of future progress symbolized by Jupiter.

The Sabian symbols for this Last Quarter Moon are, as oftentimes is the case, illuminating in consideration with the rest of the astrology that surrounds this particular configuration. They are, for the Sun in the first degree of Libra, the Equinox degree, “A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.” This is a very potent emblem, reflecting the processes of art, mythology and conceptual understanding, by means of which the actual event becomes subsumed by our intellectual and aesthetic appreciation of what the occurrence has come to represent. Marc Edmund Jones relates this symbol to “unconditioned potentiality” from “the imaginative side of life.” He goes on to reference, “elements of individual consciousness emerging from a primordial formlessness… wisdom developing through the human spirit’s continual determination to project itself into experience.” The butterfly is also, of course, a symbol of transformation. For the Moon, in the parallel degree that begins the Cardinal sign of Cancer, we find, “A furled and an unfurled flag on display.” This symbol is indicative that in each and every instant of our existence we have a choice: to do or to fold. All our hesitations to act cannot alter this simple and incontrovertible moment of truth, arriving sooner or later. Jones remarks upon, “the practical allegiances with which [one] meets the various situations of life… [aspiring to] a gift for highly profitable adjustment.” We might add that in the recognition of right action, and in discovering within oneself the will to engage the world based upon that judgment, understanding our real situation is key. It is only when we have passed through the stages of ego-enhancement and basic self-protection and moved on to a more selfless contemplation of the social setting in which we find ourselves that we are inspired to act in full comprehension of the meaning of our choices.

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