A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday evening’s New Moon in Libra, conjunct Jupiter, brings fresh energy to the place of harmony that resides within each of us, because Libra is the sign of diplomacy and balance. Venus, ruler of this New Moon, strongly aspects Neptune in Pisces, by a trine, as the Sun and Moon stimulate this exchange, and while numinous and illusory Neptune remains in orb of his square with the limitations represented by restrictive Saturn. The aspect of conflict between them has been operating for many months, and is now fading from its final exact contact. Since this New Moon brings their natural antithesis to the fore, the battle between fanciful idealism and overly negative realism is stronger than ever. We also have a powerful presence of a recovering Mercury, in Virgo, opposite Chiron in Pisces, reminding us of our fears for the future, and of concepts of inner wounding that hold us back from being the truest version of ourselves that is potential within us, the human beings that we aspire to be, and were all along intended to become.

With the protean astrological archetype of Neptune so strongly configured in this New Moon, in contrast with Saturn, we could experience a powerful sense of almost fairy-tale optimism and idealism that is somewhat at odds with the constraints of a practical and realistic point of view. There could be overly idealized conceptions, or trickery, or self-deceptions that become exposed and thereafter come crashing down. On the other hand, there is equally a chance for something amazing to happen, as the mythological realities of a symbolic worldview, beyond the merely physical, edge into greater actual existence, bringing a true fervor of religious revival that is not limited or even necessarily included in the sense of religion as institution.

With Uranus and also, to some extent, Pluto, in the picture of this New Moon, being in different ways also powerfully configured at this time, we are in the midst of real potential for the numinous and the transpersonal sides of life to get a stronger boost over the course of this upcoming month of October. These planetary energies, which seminal 20th century Astrologer Dane Rudhyar called “ambassadors of the galaxy,” by which he meant that they referenced dimensions of reality beyond the more obvious here-and-now byproducts of mundane thought, are fundamental. We have here an important opportunity to grow in understanding of who and what we really are: spirits in the material world. When we look at our lives in this light we can imagine greater possibilities for us and for our world than the humdrum of getting and spending, and besting, all the consumerist propagandizing of TV unreality.

As this New Moon in connection with optimistic Jupiter reminds us, there is always hope for the future, especially when we allow ourselves to rise to the highest impulse to be found within us.

As we ponder the essence of this New Moon energy, the Sabian Symbol for its Libra degree might prove illuminating. This is for the ninth degree of Libra (eight plus) and reads: “Three old masters hanging in an art gallery,” which can be thought of as representing a form of perennial wisdom. We might want to ask ourselves – why three? – and of course we are reminded in the present context of the three modern planetary symbols that we have just been discussing of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. We can find a more far-reaching answer by considering that in numerology the idea of “three” is reaching out, until becoming balanced by the inclusion of the fourth stabilizing element, in this case that of the visiting human intelligence to witness. In some mystical way, that which we bring to the table of what the universe has in store for us completes that offering. Marc Edmund Jones remarks upon “man’s capacity for embracing a universal reality within his own personal experience,” and goes on to state that, “the past and the present [are] irrevocably in partnership … [as] a foundation for achievement.” Indeed, there is no limit to what is possible for us all, both individually and collectively, when we take full advantage of what the cosmic connection to the human spirit has to offer, as represented in the numinous astrological archetypes of our ancient tradition and the other symbolic indications that lie before us, “spread upon the earth.” That is, when we open our eyes to truly see, and embrace our capacity for wonder.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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