A Full Moon Oriented Toward Transformation

A Full Moon Oriented Toward Transformation

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Friday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius brings several outer planet connections into prominence, including a highlighted presence of both Uranus and Pluto, whose square aspect is now somewhat muted but still active through to the end of this current decade. I know that this statement sounds like a broken record, endlessly repeating, but this implies that the ongoing transformation of the very structure of our lives is in the air for us now, on both societal and personal levels. There is also loads of relationship energy in this Full Moon, which by the very nature of the phase invites others into our world. The Moon opposes and balances the Sun, and we gravitate toward inclusion of the point of view of important others in our lives. Venus and Mars form a perfect sextile, to the degree, and this has to be taken in the context of Uranus in close parallel with Venus. There are surprising twists and turns that arise now, for all our deep connections with others, and this can lead to epiphany and to an impulse being sparked for real change. Additionally, Mercury, which rules the Sun in this Full Moon, is found near the midpoint of Venus and Mars, so that there is an excellent chance for communication around whatever ideas come to the fore about how whatever relationship that is in the spotlight for you is going.

The reason that Pluto as well as Uranus, and also Neptune, is so greatly emphasized now is that the Sun and Moon in this Full Moon configuration make partile (or same degree) aspects to Pluto, an inconjunct and a semi-sextile. With Uranus still being trined by Saturn, though the aspect is fading, both of these powerhouse planets are therefore emphasized. This is the one-two punch that allows deep-seated change to come into our lives, with Uranus functioning as the awakener pointing out the potential problems and as well the possibility of the unusual solution, and Pluto with the death-and-rebirth power to drastically alter whatever life factor is involved, pushing us to drop whatever needs to be let go of. The paradox with Pluto is that if you are quite willing to allow change, then Pluto transits can be invigorating, even easy. You run into suffering and difficulties when you try hanging onto an outmoded status quo that simply doesn’t work for you any more.

As another significant factor in all of this we must not forget Neptune. The Sun and Moon in this Full Moon make a T-square to Neptune, while Jupiter closely aspects him as well, so that the potential for deception is very present, and also for the flavor of gentle spirituality represented by this third transcendent energy. One thing to watch out for is your assessment of situations. Are you putting on the rose-colored glasses or the other way around, looking at the downside rather than the whole picture? Is there a potential for self-deception in any part of what you are up to? And then, also, is there a way that by stepping back to a more inclusive and spiritual perspective, things between you and another person can come to a more positive resolution?

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are of interest. They are, for the Moon in the 19th degree of Sagittarius, “Pelicans moving their habitat.” This is a somewhat mysterious symbol that can at least be related to the natural world that surrounds us and sustains us. Marc Edmund Jones sees this as individual decision-making and transformation, and remarks: “this is a symbol of the ultimate integrity of individual character… when life becomes unprofitable in one phase there are always additional areas of realization… indomitable originality.” For the Sun in the same degree of Gemini, in a reference to perennial wisdom, we find, “A large archaic volume.” Jones references “the ultimate indestructibility of experience” and “illimitable resources in wisdom [that] may be made manifest at any time in immediate and practical guidance.” Indeed, we need something beyond ourselves to adhere to our true path forward, no matter how beset with difficulties. Fortunately it is there for us when we lift our gaze to look.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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