A New Moon of Piercing Through the Polarities

A New Moon of Piercing Through the Polarities

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Thursday afternoon’s Gemini New Moon features several near-exact aspects between personal and outer planets, bringing us all a little closer to the divine as it continues to express itself through us, its exemplars. Pluto is a prime energy participating in this way, being found in a sesquiquadrate aspect with the Sun and Moon that differs from exact by little more than a quarter of a degree, and in a near-exact square with Venus, as well as being in close parallel with the Sun. That’s quite a lot of Pluto, and we might expect transformation to be in the air, both on a personal and on a societal level. Mars is in precise sextile with Eris, the new planet beyond Pluto, representing a spiritual warrior energy in support of soul intention. Eris remains conjunct Uranus and trine Saturn. Additionally, Saturn and Uranus, in their precise trine alignment, are supported by Mercury in sesqui with Saturn, again quite close, less than half a degree, and by Mars opposed to Saturn and in square with Uranus. We can look at these pairings separately or in combination; Mars with Saturn makes it difficult to get things done, with longer lasting lessons that result from repeated tries, while Venus in such close square with Pluto brings an intensity to the key partnerships in our lives. We are automatically digging deep for additional closeness that may result in changes, plus bringing the spotlight of scrutiny to the underlying motivations of all our relationships for ultimately beneficial effect.

When we examine this overall configuration in a more general light, we can also discern a trend toward enlightenment, serious commitment, and massive structural change. Certainly on the national scene here in the U.S. the very structure of government is in turmoil, and this is in proportion to the code of ethics that underlies all public activity, to be either adhered to or flaunted. In this sense what the times are calling for in a subtle way is nothing less than a return to natural law. In the simplest terms, actions are taken and decisions made because they represent the right thing to do under the circumstances. If we extend this principle to each one of us, individually, it is that you not be swayed by consensus thinking or the opinions of others, but only by your own soul-level conviction. This is not always easy to grasp, but once you do know it, then you have a rock that you can stand upon, no matter what. Then you can feel empowered in your stance, because you are coming from the deepest part of yourself. There is again that connection to natural law, as applied to individual understanding, and as consistent with the strong presence of Uranus-Saturn-Pluto in these late May skies, and also with the feminine warrior energy of Eris, which represents coming at life from the standpoint of your deepest intention for yourself. Connecting with soul intention, and being willing to fight for that position, is what Eris is all about.

All these polarities can be staggering, as symbolized by every one of the outer planets in connection with the personal ones, and specifically triggering Uranus trine Saturn and square to Pluto, while Pluto and Saturn remain in parallel. The feeling of conflict can be strong unless and until we are willing to make a path for ourselves and begin to follow it. The channeled entity Abraham says that “if you have a problem and you ignore it, don’t worry! It will get worse.” The clues to where we need to go for the actions that we need to take in our own lives are all around us, and in some sense we have come to the crossroads. We may not be able or willing to take these necessary and perhaps somewhat difficult steps immediately, but if we do not, we will definitely get another chance.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon in the thinking air sign of Gemini, the 5th degree, might as usual prove enlightening. This is “A radical magazine,” and the symbol reminds us of course of left against right, and the polarities of our times, now risen to something of a crescendo. Marc Edmund Jones references, “the necessary element of change in human affairs,” and “the power of [humankind] to give high exaltation and dramatic force to whatever is stirring … deeply within themselves.” Himself with strong Eris, he goes on to state that “emphasized in principal and important part is the supremacy of inner over outer compulsions.” Indeed, in these troubled times, a return to the natural connection with the most basic part of ourselves may prove to be our only salvation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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