A Full Moon of Further Surprises and Relationship Insight

A Full Moon of Further Surprises and Relationship Insight

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Thursday’s Full Moon in Aries is a very interesting configuration, repeating in some ways themes from the previous New Moon in Virgo of the last ten days of September, which highlighted Uranus is late Aries. In this Full Moon patterning, Jupiter directly opposes Uranus, less than two degrees separating them, so that the Trickster planet is once again emphasized, presaging further startling events at the collective level and also for us as individuals. Indeed, these are very Uranian times that we are living through, surprises and synchronicities around every corner. Our intuitive faculties – also associated with Uranus – are heightened now, so that we can take advantage of a very mystical time by attempting to discover more of what we hold inside. Interior realms are calling out to us, the place where dreams and visions arise, and we benefit by paying the closest possible attention to these intimations arising from deep inside.

This Full Moon is also loaded with partnership themes, so that issues with significant others, as well the very concept of relationship in our lives, is up for thoughtful review and a deepening of our understanding. Being a Libra Sun opposed to an Aries Moon, and as well because we find their rulers, Venus and Mars, in a partile conjunction, the relationship theme is definitely emphasized. Then, too, Mercury, conjunct the Sun, is the ruler of Virgo, the sign occupied by Venus and Mars, meaning that we find Mercury and Venus in mutual reception, another indication favoring relationship, values, and aesthetics. With all these Venusian factors highlighted, we will be thinking about the importance of our basic values, and of others, for our continued well being as compassionate humans. We will be thoughtful about the care and feeding of all our relationships, and aware as well as the many compromises necessary to keep them fully alive and vibrant.

In looking at the bigger picture of this dynamic Full Moon, we find that, besides Uranus, the other two major outer planets are also emphasized. The Sun and Moon make partile minor aspects to Neptune in his own sign of Pisces, an inconjunct and a semi-sextile, while the Sun and Moon in cardinal signs also make a T-square to Pluto. With Uranus and Pluto both highlighted, we have the signal for further major structural transformation to be featured at this significant crossroads, in the collective and in our individual lives as well. We might want to spend some time considering what factors and habitual behavior patterns are vital for us, and what might need to be let go, in the months and years ahead. After all, we face a changing planet earth. As we gaze into our collective future with Neptune emphasized, only the path with heart will fully make the grade.

Saturn at 22 plus of Sagittarius remains parallel to Pluto, and is in forming trine aspect to Eris, at 23 Aries, the new planetary energy beyond Pluto representing a spiritual warrior archetype. Eris enjoins taking a powerful stand for what you most deeply feel is important for the collective pathway forward, encouraging you to find your true purpose in this incarnation. This is no matter what the opinions of others, and of consensus thinking, have to say about it. May each one of us including yourself be so blessed as to find that inner driving force that represents what is uniquely your own gift to bring to the massive task that confronts us. This as we attempt to turn the society around to the softer values – so joyously enunciated in the volatile sixties – of peace and love.

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon have, as usual, something to contribute. They are, for the Moon, in the 13th degree of Aries, “An unexploded bomb,” which can be taken to refer to both the violent nature of these fractious times, and in a more positive light, to the unused potential for action that we all possess, lying in wait to more fully explode upon the social scene. Marc Edmund Jones has this: “Implicit in the reversed symbolism is … the need for better instrumentation of the action springing from the deeper sources of selfhood… a dramatic rejection of any accomplishment falling at all short of very deep or hallowed purpose.” For the Sun in the same degree of Libra we find “Children blowing soap bubbles,” which Jones takes to mean “the presence of the beautiful and the good in every … form of human relationship.” He goes on to say that, “the degree is a consistent simplicity of character which enables anyone to maintain his [or her] touch with a transcendent magic of being.” Indeed it is high time that we rise to the true potential contained in each one of us, as fully human and aware beings.

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