A New Moon of Personal Refinement and Collective Awakening

A New Moon of Personal Refinement and Collective Awakening

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The New Moon of September 19, 2017 takes place at 27º Virgo late in the evening on the US West coast at 10:30PM Pacific Time. This New Moon brings with it a rather striking emphasis on the Virgoan themes of purification, discernment, and tending to the many granular details of life. Before this New Moon, as the previous cycle drew to a close, the Moon swept past the personal planets– Venus, Mars, and Mercury– all clustered up in Virgo before finding it’s place in conjunction with the Sun and beginning a new lunar cycle. This visitation between the waning Balsamic Moon and the personal planets in Virgo suggests a clearing away of that which no longer serves and re-organization in all aspects of our personal lives. Thought patterns, beliefs, material possessions, relationships, emotional attachments, ego agendas, sexuality, and the list could go on. The choices we are making in that process and the events that have come to pass in light of that are what we are continuing to work with as we move forward with new eyes into the new lunar cycle.

An important consideration of this New Moon is that it is occupying 27º of Virgo, which is in close opposition with Chiron at 26º Pisces. Then we have as well as the opposition that’s forming between Jupiter (25º Libra) and Uranus (27º Aries.) It is also interesting to note that the August 21st Solar Eclipse took place at 28º Leo. These late degrees are all being activated by different planets and celestial events is a very large and dynamic configuration to observe now and over the course of the coming months. Some of the larger themes include:

· Old wounds and shadow material in the collective history of humanity being unearthed for the chance to be healed (Chiron).
· The state of the world being thrown into chaos with events like fires, flooding, nuclear threats, and large data breaches, hopefully bringing more awareness and awakening to our collective consciousness (Uranus).
· Heightened awareness and energy expended in humanitarian efforts for balance, peace, and justice (Jupiter in Libra).

Another pronounced aspect of this New Moon configuration is the partile (same degree) opposition between Mercury in its rulership of Virgo and Neptune in its rulership of Pisces. Mercury emerges from its retrograde shadow just hours before the New Moon, and is wiser and becoming more stable after the trying lessons of the retrograde. You may wish to take a look back and take inventory of all that has arisen in your life since Mercury stationed retrograde on August 12th, opposite Neptune, which, also considering that time frame includes the Solar Eclipse of August 21st, has likely been a lot more intense, and multifaceted than other Mercury retrogrades. As Mercury revisits the degree where he stationed in mid-August, with Neptune again in opposition, this could suggest a tendency to polarize in thoughts and beliefs around the nature of the spiritual versus the mundane; alternatively, this could be an opportunity to experience the tension between those opposites as part of a larger whole where these archetypes are intrinsically linked. The capacity for imagining alternative circumstances or future unfolding is heightened, which could take the form of envisioning idealized future potentials, although beware too of catastrophizing and allowing your fears to spin out into worst case scenarios. Mars is also nearby to Mercury, which throws a dash of impulsiveness and a tendency to separate and dissect, rather than unite, which could prove tricky to work with in a mindful manner. Overall this powerful opposition asks us to presence the tension that exists in the dichotomy between faith and illusion. There are places within each of us that have the capacity to trust in the divine flow of life, just as there are also places within us that contract and resist out of fear produced by the mind. This dynamic New Moon is asking us to sit with this in a state of curiosity and compassion, and see what unfolds. In witnessing and honoring both, perhaps a new synthesis in being may emerge.

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