A Feisty New Moon of Deep Transformational Import

A Feisty New Moon of Deep Transformational Import

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Wednesday’s New Moon at 22 plus degrees of Gemini, on June 13th, is an exciting one, and not only because this New Moon makes a close inconjunct aspect to transformationally oriented Pluto at a similar degree of Capricorn. The New Moon also aspects Mars and Uranus, being within ½ degree of a perfect sesquiquadrate with Mars, in Aquarius, and also making a close septile with Uranus in the second degree of Taurus. The septile is an unusual aspect, bringing a darkly occult energy to bear on the Sun-Uranus combination at this New Moon. Because Pluto as well as Uranus is configured with the New Moon, there is a powerful transformational factor here, an urge to look beneath the covers of our actions, seeking to better understand our inner motivation. Relationship comes into this picture as well, and is a likely source of both upset and fresh insight regarding our activities. This is because Venus, too, is configured with this New Moon, being square Uranus and trine Chiron, as well as semi-sextile Mercury, especially so by the time that she crosses into Leo a few hours after the New Moon takes place. The Mars-Venus astrological connection has been active during the first half of June, and is further sparked by the passage of Venus in opposition to Mars in the week following the June 13th New Moon. Mars, slowing down and getting ready to retrograde, is currently found close to the south lunar node, in early Aquarius, while in five days’ time Venus conjuncts the North Node at six degrees of Leo, producing a greatly enhanced opposition with Mars, because in close alignment with the lunar axis. The “battle of the sexes” or of relationship in general, is thus highlighted, so that there are significant consequences for the way that we conduct ourselves in combination with close partners. You are challenged to come clean with the full extent of what you are up to with a partner or potential partner, your true desires and goals as best you can know these; and, as interpersonal issues arise, you are equally challenged to understand their deepest origins within your own psyche.

All of this does not come easily, of course, as the prominence of Chiron, the Wounded Healer, might indicate. This is however a fantastic opening to make closer the connections that you hold most near; to see more deeply into the hidden wellspring of all your actions, as originating in your unconscious realms. The recommendation is that you begin by merely witnessing your behavior in a dispassionate manner. Let’s say you are somewhat afraid of success, because still constantly navigating feelings of “not good enough” that stem from your earliest years, the likely result of parental abuse or neglect. All you have to do is pay thoughtful attention to your reactions: “there’s that fear coming up again,” and you will gradually see a shift in your behavior. Knowledge is indeed power, especially in this type of instance. Once it takes place that you can acknowledge the hurt child within you, then you can start reaching out from your adult consciousness to comfort this cast-off part of yourself, and healing can begin to take place.

In this regard, it is quite significant as well that Mercury is also strongly configured in this New Moon, at two plus degrees of Cancer. Mercury is sextile Uranus in Taurus and exactly square to Chiron in the Mars-ruled sign of Aries, allowing a fresh look at masculine reactivity. Tremendous insight is available at a deep intuitive level of bodily awareness to inform our conscious minds of what we hold inside ourselves in terms of inner wounding, the residue of childhood trauma. These next few weeks of the lunar cycle, including the Mars retrograde, therefore constitutes an opportunity not to be missed.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon may shed additional light on our situation. It is, for the twenty-third degree of Gemini, “Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.” The number three is associated with Venus, and indicates a form of social gayety and grace, and the tree’s height suggests raising our consciousness to a big-picture viewpoint, both excellent suggestions for getting through these somewhat trying astrological indications. Marc Edmund Jones references, “Potentiality caught and held through … effective appreciation, … [our] capacity for giving each nascent possibility of character a chance to prove itself.” Indeed, although we must be continually aware of the darkness lying in our depths, it is equally true that there is literally nothing that we cannot accomplish, when we raise our gaze to the highest that we can aspire to, within us.

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