A Last Quarter Moon of Poetry, Trials and Fortitude

A Last Quarter Moon of Poetry, Trials and Fortitude

Posted on in Configurations |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The Last Quarter Moon of Wednesday, June 6th, is a doozy, and I don’t use this word lightly. That is because several outer planet energies are newly highlighted, and this is in addition to a significant continuation of the powerful themes – brought forward in last month’s potent New Moon – of relationship transformation and also of looking more closely into issues of self-assertion and success in the eyes of the world. This last would be seen in contrast to espousing your own internal guidelines for discovering meaningful action independent of consensus opinion. Venus now directly opposes Pluto, making a T-square to the new planet, Eris, a Feminine Warrior archetype for soul intention, who is thus very prominent now, as she was in mid-May. Mars remains in close parallel to Pluto as well, and to Saturn, continuing these somewhat difficult themes from last month that we will explore more fully below. The even bigger news with this dynamic quarter Moon configuration is that Mercury square Neptune is extremely highlighted as well. The Moon closely conjuncts numinous Neptune, in his own sign of Pisces, and supported by a close trine from Jupiter, while the Sun closely conjuncts Mercury in Gemini. Mercury in combination with Neptune is not known for logical thinking, being far more inclined to the art forms of poetry, music and dance. These are ways that our experience reaches beyond the simple three-dimensional material world, so that we might become more familiar with our true heritage as humans on planet earth.

Although this Mercury-Neptune square is momentary because Mercury is moving quite quickly now, as this little messenger of the Gods is known for, the timing with the Sun and Moon falling in the same degrees is quite significant. We are encouraged to lift our gaze from the petty and the political, and to embrace the largest possible viewpoint on our situation. Where are we truly heading, and why? We will want to be asking ourselves this question, relative to this time in our lives, and in the midst of the final week of the lunation cycle from mid-May that is now fading. This current lunar phase in any case constitutes a reorientation of attitude and idea, what seminal 20th century astrologer Dane Rudhyar termed a “crisis of consciousness.” We are rearranging our viewpoint on what has recently transpired, and to some extent even our overall worldview, based on the accumulated wisdom of the past three weeks of this lunar cycle. And as we do, we are reaching for a more spiritual solution.

The relationship transformation indicated by Venus opposite Pluto can partake of this more uplifted context as well. We must after all take the opportunity to be kind to one another whenever we can muster this energy. Sometimes a more compassionate and gentle approach can be thought of as namby-pamby and not fully engaged, although in reality this kind of spiritual commitment takes a great deal of spunk. It is the courage of our convictions that drives us now, and that allows us to take a softer and more fundamentally natural stance, in spite of the prevailing materialistic weather.

In this context it is important to note that aggressive Mars is extremely prominent as well in this First Quarter Moon configuration. Mars lies in as close a parallel to Pluto, only a few minutes of a degree away from perfection. Mars, conjoined with the South Node in Aquarius, is also slowing down right now, preparing to turn to retrograde motion on the 26th of June. This prominent Mars is also parallel with Saturn, and with the Sun. Mars with Pluto symbolizes for us at least two distinct responses, and only one is dire. This is the obvious potential for suppressed anger exploding into rage, or even violence. That Saturn is there as well helps to keep the lid on, but the anger will eventually win, and actions might be taken, or things said, that you will have cause to regret later when a cool head again prevails. The best way to handle this possibility is to recognize that your anger comes from a different and far deeper source than the triggering event, whatever that might happen to be. By dwelling deep within, and observing the root causes of all your emotions, usually the residue of unresolved childhood trauma, you have the possibility to take a break, count to ten, and put your energy on addressing the underlying cause. Indeed, this is the other way to look at the Mars-Pluto combination, as the chance to channel aggressive energy along more positive lines, to look inside yourself with an open mind and try, at this significant juncture, for a compassionate acceptance of all that you hold inside.

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