A Full Moon of Pushing Through Difficulties to Resolution

A Full Moon of Pushing Through Difficulties to Resolution

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By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Tuesday morning’s Full Moon in Sagittarius continues several themes from the current lunation cycle that began in mid-May, namely Mars-Pluto, Saturn, and Venus. Our relationships will continue to be very much up for us these next couple of weeks, and subject to a certain degree of transformational impulse, and this can be a fulcrum for our getting on with necessary changes in all areas. Mars remains in close parallel with Pluto, perfecting over the next week or so, while also continuing to square Uranus, now in early Taurus. The Sun in this Full Moon also aspects Saturn, by inconjunct and by parallel, so that the planet of limits and obstacles is quite prominent now. Mars is also parallel to Saturn, presaging a slow-down, a difficulty in getting things done. The achievements of this last half of the lunar cycle will therefore be on the inside, and the lessons long-lasting. Offsetting these somewhat dreary astrological indications, beneficent Jupiter is trine numinous Neptune, forming a grand trine with Venus, planet of love, beauty and aesthetics. Since Venus also opposes Saturn and is in close quintile with Uranus, in regard to our relationship explorations we may well feel the push-pull of antithetical viewpoints. Additionally, this Full Moon in Jupiter’s own sign of Sagittarius promotes the concept of learning from our difficulties and our mistakes. We perhaps can recognize that everything that happens to us is meant in some profound way that the the hidden well-springs of our activity has conceived for us, long ago. In doing so, we can relax and take whatever comes as a part of some larger evolutionary process.

Rounding out this picture, Chiron, the Wounded Healer, is prominent as well, being in aspect with Mercury and with Uranus. We will find a great deal of reward in seeing more deeply into our inner wounding, as this poignant and rich subject matter comes up through the course of interpersonal relating. We win when we refrain from looking away or pretending not to notice any complexes that arise, but instead value these as guideposts to soul-level truths that we benefit from allowing ourselves to work with.

The Full Moon represents the flowering of the original seed idea from the New Moon that preceded it, after the trials and the tribulations of the two weeks of life experience leading up to this important moment in the Sun-Moon cycle. In this case, it is the May 15th New Moon, accompanied by Uranus changing signs, to Venus-ruled Taurus, that kicked off this strongly transformational cycle, now being further invoked. Today, Uranus remains in square with Mars, slowing down in preparation for his retrograde toward the end of June. There is a wild attitude that is engendered in our assertive behavior, although the contrasting parallel between Mars and Saturn provides another inner voice holding us back. It might be that almost irrepressible impulses vie with the competing urge within us for limitation and control. The potential is thus there for reactivity, and also for its suppression. This is an unstable balance, so that it is good to be prepared for nearly everything, including sudden outbursts of hidden anger exploding to the surface. Meditation helps, as well as remembering that words uttered in wrath cannot easily be taken back.

When Mercury enters its own sign of Gemini later on the same day as the Full Moon, it makes a perfect sextile with Chiron, with Uranus at the midpoint. Insights into your innermost secret self are more than likely, to the extent that you can be open to them. As the Grateful Dead lyrics go, there are times when you must “close your eyes to see.”

The Sabian Symbols for this Full Moon are instructive, and provide an interesting counterpoint to all of the above. They are, for the Sun in the 9th degree of Gemini, “A quiver filled with arrows.” This symbol reminds us of the incredible variety of the human experience, and that each moment provides us with many opportunities for growth and learning. Marc Edmund Jones, who fostered the creation of these symbols in the 1920’s, references, “extreme alertness to the interests and needs of selfhood, and high competency in pursuing practical ends… here are the fruits of self-discipline and training which equip an individual with the skills for which he [or she] will have continual use.“ For the Moon, in the same degree of Sagittarius, we find, “A mother with her children on stairs,” an evolutionary symbol. Jones has, “alertness to the interests and needs of others, and of high competency in pursuing any and all ideal ends in view … genuine social conscience.” Indeed, because we are all in this together, we must care for others as we engineer our own spiritual pathway forward into becoming more integrated and effective humans. This is for the sake of the planet, our society, and ultimately for ourselves.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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