A New Moon of Confusion, Illusion, and Discrimination

A New Moon of Confusion, Illusion, and Discrimination

Friday morning’s Gemini New Moon, early afternoon to early evening for the east coast and Europe, takes place on May 22nd, at 2 + degrees of the sign of Gemini. This New Moon is therefore in close trine to a recently stationing Saturn, occupying the second degree of Aquarius. That the Sun and Moon in this New Moon are closely quintile to numinous Neptune,...

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A Full Moon of Illusion, High Hopes, and Transformational Process

A Full Moon of Illusion, High Hopes, and Transformational Process

Thursday morning’s Full Moon in Scorpio, taking place early on May 7th and occupying the opposite sign from the Taurus Sun, creates a natural condition of fulfillment in the lunation cycle that began last month with the Earth Day New Moon that also featured a prominent placement of transformationally oriented Pluto, conjunct Jupiter. In this current Full...

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A New Moon of Enlightened Change and Natural Evolution

A New Moon of Enlightened Change and Natural Evolution

Wednesday’s New Moon, taking place on the evening of Earth Day, April 22nd, at 7:26 PM on the west coast, late evening to early morning the 23rd for the east coast and Europe, is another dynamic lunation, featuring Uranus in Taurus, conjuncted by the Sun and Moon, and also Pluto in Capricorn, which is conjunct Jupiter, square Eris in Aries, and also –...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Optimism and Natural Metamorphosis

A Last Quarter Moon of Optimism and Natural Metamorphosis

The Moon’s Last Quarter, becoming exact just before 4 PM, April 14th, on the west coast, early to late evening for the east coast and Europe, is a very interesting configuration, with the Moon, at 25 ½ degrees of Capricorn, placed at the precise midpoint of Jupiter and Pluto, these outer planets themselves less than a full degree apart. This timing of...

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A Full Moon of Balancing the Priorities

A Full Moon of Balancing the Priorities

The Libra Full Moon of April 7th, taking place at 7:35 PM on the west coast – just at sunset, with the Moon just rising – or late evening to early morning the next day for the east coast and Europe, is an extremely interesting lunation with loads of personal to outer planet aspects. Not the least of these is Mercury in extremely close sextile to the...

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