A New Moon of Crisis and Transformation

A New Moon of Crisis and Transformation

The March 24th Aries New Moon, taking place at the 4-degree mark of the sign, early morning on the west coast, later morning on the east coast and in Europe, is a rather dynamic configuration. The New Moon degree itself is conjunct Chiron, and partile semi-sextile to Uranus at the 4-degree mark of Taurus, while a triple conjunction of Jupiter-Pluto-Mars, at 23-25...

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A Virgo Full Moon of Compassion and Core Values

A Virgo Full Moon of Compassion and Core Values

The Full Moon of March 9th takes place at 19º Virgo, opposed numinous Neptune, and brings with it a message of the importance of connection with Spirit, compassion for all beings, and deeper refinement and discernment of our own truth and values. Because of a continuation of prominent Uranus, trickster archetype providing startling realizations, and located...

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A New Moon of Transformation, Reflection, and Consciousness

A New Moon of Transformation, Reflection, and Consciousness

This coming Sunday’s New Moon in the mystical sign of Pisces takes place in the early morning of February 23rd, on the west coast, which will be later morning or afternoon for the east coast and for points farther east. This New Moon also features the Sun and Moon in conjunction with a retrograding Mercury – moving toward its March 9th station to...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Relationship Reflection, Exploration, and Breakthrough

A Last Quarter Moon of Relationship Reflection, Exploration, and Breakthrough

Saturday afternoon’s Last Quarter Moon in the 27th degree of Scorpio, early to late evening for the east coast and Europe, brings up an interesting lunation when we will be entering into a reflective period, assessing in these times of extreme change how far we have come, and how much of what we are attempting in a psychological way for ourselves might yet...

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A Leo Full Moon of Activism, Idealism, and Inner Recognition

A Leo Full Moon of Activism, Idealism, and Inner Recognition

The Leo Full Moon of late evening February 8th on the west coast, early morning the 9th for points further east, makes for a fitting capstone to the dramatic Aquarius New Moon from last month that began the current cycle. This time the Leo Moon, at 20 + degrees of the sign, makes a grand trine in Fire with Eris in Aries and Mars in Sagittarius, as Venus,...

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