A Full Moon of Societal Transformation and Responsibility

A Full Moon of Societal Transformation and Responsibility

The Virgo Full Moon that takes place on Tuesday morning, February 19th (afternoon in Europe and points east) is another very interesting configuration with some potent outer planet activity, especially in connection with personal planets, such as Mercury and Venus. This is indicative of the transformational times that we find ourselves embroiled in these days, at...

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A First Quarter Moon of Earth Issues and Societal Responses

A First Quarter Moon of Earth Issues and Societal Responses

Tuesday afternoon’s First Quarter Moon at 23 + degrees of Taurus, an earth sign, taking place on February 12th, the same week as Valentine’s Day, signals new initiatives, as different elements of the sparking lightening-bolt energy from last week are being brought forward relative to events as they unfold. In particular, the Air energy of Aquarius comes...

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A New Moon of Awakening to Transformative Intent

A New Moon of Awakening to Transformative Intent

The Aquarius New Moon that takes place on Monday, February 4th, represents another in the ongoing series of lunations with powerful outer planet configurations. This one is especially noticeable, because Saturn and Neptune, in partile sextile with each other, at the 15-degree mark of their respective signs, are highlighted by the New Moon at their same-degree...

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A Leo Lunar Eclipse of Awakened Creativity

A Leo Lunar Eclipse of Awakened Creativity

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo that graces our skies on January 20th, at 9:16pm Pacific time, comes with certain fascinating and potent astrological configurations. To begin with, because taking place in the very first degree of the Sun’s and Moon’s respective signs of Aquarius and Leo, it brings our awareness to the symbolism of Leo, which...

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First Quarter Moon in Aries:  Bold Alignment with Truth

First Quarter Moon in Aries: Bold Alignment with Truth

The recent First Quarter Moon, having taken place late evening January 13th/ early morning January 14th, represents an exciting lunation. With the Sun in close conjunction with transformative Pluto, and the Moon in square, personal change is in the air. This phase in any case denotes the time each cycle when the Moon is waxing (growing) from dark into light, and...

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