A New Moon Eclipse of Continued Transformational Intention

A New Moon Eclipse of Continued Transformational Intention

There is a mid-Capricorn New Moon eclipse that is taking place late afternoon/evening on Saturday, January 5th, and this first major lunation of the New Year is what we astrologers call in technical terms a real doozy. That is because it is not only a powerful New Moon with outer planet ties, but also a Solar Eclipse, and therefore extra-potent just in that factor...

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A Solstice Full Moon of Magic and Nourishment

A Solstice Full Moon of Magic and Nourishment

A very special Cancer Full Moon is gracing our skies this December 22nd, and it falls just hours after the Capricorn Solstice. The Winter Solstice (or Summer solstice for those in the Southern hemisphere) is when the Sun reaches its southern-most position in our sky, and thus is the shortest day in the North, and longest day in the South. It marks a turning...

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A First Quarter Moon of Finding Your Spiritual Voice

A First Quarter Moon of Finding Your Spiritual Voice

Saturday morning’s First Quarter Moon in Pisces, taking place early on December 15th, has the interesting characteristic of being at the precise degree, 23 plus, that Eris still occupies in Aries, so that the Sagittarius Sun makes a partile trine to Eris, with the Moon in perfect semi-sextile. This strong Eris placement has a bearing on how we handle what...

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A Sagittarius New Moon of Mystical Leanings and Relationship Realizations

A Sagittarius New Moon of Mystical Leanings and Relationship Realizations

Thursday’s Sagittarius New Moon, taking place late evening December 6th for the West Coast, early morning the next day for the East Coast and Europe, is a very interesting configuration involving outer planet and inner planet combinations. Although not involving Pluto, prominent over this past summer in the New Moon and Full Moon configurations, this current...

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A Full Moon of Introspective Disclosure

A Full Moon of Introspective Disclosure

Thursday, November 22nd is Thanksgiving Day, here in the United States at least, and is the night of the Gemini Full Moon everywhere. This is a late evening phenomenon on the west coast and an early morning event the next day for the east coast and Europe. Because the Sun in the first degree of Sagittarius is conjunct unrestrained Jupiter, this is an extremely...

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