A First Quarter Moon of Unexpected Events and Occasional Breakthrough

A First Quarter Moon of Unexpected Events and Occasional Breakthrough

Sunday’s First Quarter Moon in Pisces, matching by square the Sun in early Sagittarius, has some interesting features. The influence of Uranus is even stronger than it was already, being a large factor in this entire thirty-day cycle stemming from last week’s Scorpio New Moon, when the Sun and Moon aspected the Trickster planet. This is because in...

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A Feisty New Moon of Ongoing Transformation

A Feisty New Moon of Ongoing Transformation

Saturday morning’s New Moon in late Scorpio has many features in keeping with the dark sign of its origin. In particular there is a nearly precise square between Mars and Pluto, with Mercury also involved in the aspect configuration, bringing a great deal of conscious attention to the Lord of Death and Rebirth, just as the Sun prepares to leave his sign for...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Shedding Layers and Brilliant Potentials

A Last Quarter Moon of Shedding Layers and Brilliant Potentials

The Last Quarter Moon of November 10, 2017 in the sign of Leo speaks to us of letting go of illusions. This lunar phase is always symbolic of the time period in the growing season after the harvest when the leaves start to whither and return to the earth. This is the time after the Moon’s reflective light has culminated in the sky at the Full Moon, halfway...

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A Spunky and Not Fully Grounded Full Moon

A Spunky and Not Fully Grounded Full Moon

Friday night’s late evening Full Moon in Taurus, early Saturday for the East Coast and Europe, brings both a Neptunian and a Uranian factor to the grounded presence of the Taurean energy of the Moon itself. That is because Venus, ruler of the sign of the Moon, is also precisely opposite the Trickster energy of Uranus, in the same degree of Aries as Venus...

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A First Quarter Moon of Relational Transformation

A First Quarter Moon of Relational Transformation

The First Quarter Moon can tend to be a challenging phase of the lunar cycle. It is when the symbolic ‘seeds’ that were planted at the New Moon are now young plants trying to sprout their first leaves. It is a time each month when we are asked to exert our will and put in the effort required to bring the latent energies of the New Moon into manifest...

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