A New Moon of Startling Consequence and Healing Potential

A New Moon of Startling Consequence and Healing Potential

Thursday’s New Moon continues the cycle of Uranian lunations, so that as we head further into fall, we can expect more surprises and also hopefully a good dose of helpful illumination. Indeed we are ready for a brand new start, especially here in Northern California, where I reside. The fires have been devastating. We are fortunate that every thirty days we...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Acknowledging Change and Snaring Destiny

A Last Quarter Moon of Acknowledging Change and Snaring Destiny

Thursday’s Last Quarter Moon is a real doozy (an astrological technical term used in extreme situations, if you didn’t know) and deserves some concentrated focus. This lunar phase in general represents a coming to terms with what has already transpired in the preceding three weeks of the completing lunation cycle, and an adjustment in concepts, beliefs,...

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A Full Moon of Further Surprises and Relationship Insight

A Full Moon of Further Surprises and Relationship Insight

Thursday’s Full Moon in Aries is a very interesting configuration, repeating in some ways themes from the previous New Moon in Virgo of the last ten days of September, which highlighted Uranus is late Aries. In this Full Moon patterning, Jupiter directly opposes Uranus, less than two degrees separating them, so that the Trickster planet is once again...

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A New Moon of Personal Refinement and Collective Awakening

A New Moon of Personal Refinement and Collective Awakening

The New Moon of September 19, 2017 takes place at 27º Virgo late in the evening on the US West coast at 10:30PM Pacific Time. This New Moon brings with it a rather striking emphasis on the Virgoan themes of purification, discernment, and tending to the many granular details of life. Before this New Moon, as the previous cycle drew to a close, the Moon...

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A Full Moon of Deceptive Revelation

A Full Moon of Deceptive Revelation

Wednesday’s early morning Pisces Full Moon lands directly on numinous Neptune, about a degree away. This gives us all the chance for greater insight into this mysterious planetary archetype. It is also interesting to note that Neptune is the outer planet ruler of Pisces, so that you can think of this mid-week timing as a double-dose of Pisces energy, just as...

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