A Solar Eclipse New Moon to Remember

A Solar Eclipse New Moon to Remember

Monday’s Solar Eclipse in late Leo, the second New Moon this month in the Sun’s own sign, is notable for several reasons, not the least being the very nature of an eclipse as an extra-powerful lunation, this one being visible as well in its path across the American continent. The eclipse configuration is made even more potent by many significant...

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A Surprising, Deceptive, and Transformative Full Moon Eclipse

A Surprising, Deceptive, and Transformative Full Moon Eclipse

Monday’s Full Moon eclipse is quite a potent lunation, taking place at the mid-point of Fixed signs, and having a connection to each of the outer planets including Saturn. The middle degree of 15 in each of the Fixed signs is in any case considered a power degree. In Monday’s chart, the Moon degree of 15 degrees and 25 minutes of Aquarius is also very...

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An Optimistic New Moon Full of Surprises

An Optimistic New Moon Full of Surprises

Sunday’s Leo New Moon is exciting because taking place at the very beginning point of the fun sign of Leo, nearly exactly conjunct Mars. There is an important square between this New Moon and Uranus, located in the last few degrees of Aries, where he will station, in little more than a week. This makes his influence much stronger now and through the beginning...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Surprise, Reorientation, and Reassessment

A Last Quarter Moon of Surprise, Reorientation, and Reassessment

Sunday’s Last Quarter Moon in Aries is of great interest in part because of the nature of this lunar phase. Seminal twentieth century astrologer Dane Rudhyar referred to this section of the lunation cycle as a “crisis in consciousness,” meaning that everything that has come before this moment in time, relative to the beginning of the cycle, has so...

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A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

A Full Moon of Transformational Intensity

Saturday evening’s Capricorn Full Moon conjunct Pluto brings this planet’s potent energy for change very much to the fore. There is only one degree separating the degree of the Cancer Sun, opposite and forming, from Pluto across the zodiac, with Mars a few degrees away making a close T-square with Pluto to Eris, at 23 degrees of Aries. The opposition...

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