A New Moon of Inner Commitment and Nebulous Progress

A New Moon of Inner Commitment and Nebulous Progress

Friday evening’s Cancer New Moon features an important trine between nebulous Neptune and the mid-Cancer placement of Mars, located in the same watery and emotional sign as the Sun and Moon. Also to be found in early Cancer is Mercury, making of this next thirty days a quietly emotional and thoughtful time of deep introspection, and uncertain and...

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A Full Moon Oriented Toward Transformation

A Full Moon Oriented Toward Transformation

Friday’s Full Moon in Sagittarius brings several outer planet connections into prominence, including a highlighted presence of both Uranus and Pluto, whose square aspect is now somewhat muted but still active through to the end of this current decade. I know that this statement sounds like a broken record, endlessly repeating, but this implies that the...

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A New Moon of Piercing Through the Polarities

A New Moon of Piercing Through the Polarities

Thursday afternoon’s Gemini New Moon features several near-exact aspects between personal and outer planets, bringing us all a little closer to the divine as it continues to express itself through us, its exemplars. Pluto is a prime energy participating in this way, being found in a sesquiquadrate aspect with the Sun and Moon that differs from exact by...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Personal Power and Universal Kinship

A Last Quarter Moon of Personal Power and Universal Kinship

The Last Quarter Moon phase represents the time of the lunar cycle when there is an opportunity for re-orientation, renegotiation, or finding new truth in light of what has come to pass since the New Moon. It is the time when the light reflected by the Moon is diminishing and waning into darkness. This cycle’s New Moon in Taurus and Full Moon in Scorpio...

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A Full Moon of Expansion, Limitation, and Transformation

A Full Moon of Expansion, Limitation, and Transformation

Wednesday’s Scorpio Full Moon aligns closely with change-oriented Pluto in Capricorn, and that feature alone makes for quite a powerful lunation. Mercury is also a vital factor. Finally moving forward again, Mercury is only two degrees away from where it stationed one week ago, therefore remaining in close conjunction, still, with Uranus, half of a degree...

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