A New Moon of Passionate Longing for Truth

A New Moon of Passionate Longing for Truth

Wednesday morning’s New Moon in Taurus is marked by the stations of two prominent inner planets. These are Venus, whose station to direct motion has already passed, ten days ago on April 15th, and Mercury, whose station direct lies ahead, still a week away. These past and future moments are yet extremely active in the current configuration of this dramatic...

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A Last Quarter of Obstacles and Reassessment

A Last Quarter of Obstacles and Reassessment

The Last Quarter Moon of early Wednesday, April 19th emphasizes the conservative nay-saying of stodgy Saturn, with the Sun in the final degree of Aries making a close trine to Saturn in late Sagittarius, and the Moon, retrograde Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus also closely aspecting this emblem of the Senex archetype. This contrasts with powerful...

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A Full Moon of Radical Change, and Resistance to Change

A Full Moon of Radical Change, and Resistance to Change

The Full Moon of Monday, April 10th late evening (west coast) is a very powerful one, with the Sun conjunct Uranus, and with the Sun and Moon forming a T-square to Pluto. This potent configuration reminds us that the revolutionary Uranus-Pluto square, being fully activated in the timing of this exciting Libra Full Moon, is far from over in its effects during this...

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A New Moon of Activism and Reconsideration of Priorities

A New Moon of Activism and Reconsideration of Priorities

Monday evening’s New Moon in activist Aries is accompanied by the presence of Retrograde Venus, indicating that while the impulse is still very much there to charge ahead with our agenda, we are also simultaneously questioning the very goals that seem to drive us. This can be considered a hindrance, if viewed in negative terms, but it is actually a golden...

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 A Last Quarter Moon of Coming to Terms with Reality

A Last Quarter Moon of Coming to Terms with Reality

Monday morning’s Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn brings the practicality of the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn into a head-on confrontation with the flightier condition of Aries, the sign of the Sun and of the Spring Equinox, where we encounter a powerful presence of retrograde Venus, and where a very prominent Uranus still holds sway, along with Eris, the...

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