A First Quarter of Stubborn Fixity and Sudden advancement

A First Quarter of Stubborn Fixity and Sudden advancement

The First Quarter Moon of Friday evening / Saturday early morning, February 3rd or 4th, is a strong one. This takes place in the middle or power degrees of the fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus, indicating that internal forces are locked in conflict or dispute, and that something needs to give. The symbolism is also there for implying that matters are in motion....

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An Aquarius New Moon of Renewed Activism

An Aquarius New Moon of Renewed Activism

Friday’s Aquarius New Moon, kicking off the lunation cycle of most of February, makes for a socially active time when the tendency is to look to the surrounding culture for its strengths and weaknesses. The biggest news with this New Moon is that, once again, Uranus and also the new planet, Eris, are quite prominent. With the very powerful Full Moon of last...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Perspective Shifts and Studied Responses

A Last Quarter Moon of Perspective Shifts and Studied Responses

Thursday’s Last Quarter Moon is an interesting lunation, in part because the Sun changes signs, moving from business- and practical-oriented Capricorn into Aquarius, indicating a major and relevant shift of perspective in the midst of these transformational times. Then, there is also the shift in point of view indicated by the very nature of this lunar...

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A Full Moon of Consternation, Reflection, and Activism

A Full Moon of Consternation, Reflection, and Activism

Thursday morning’s Cancer Full Moon is another one of these very active configurations, indicating the depth of polarity and passion in the current political scene and the degree of structural transformation that looms on the horizon, operating at both collective and individual levels. That is because, as Uranus and Pluto draw still nearer to their iconic...

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A First Quarter Moon of Brilliant Ideas and Structural Change

A First Quarter Moon of Brilliant Ideas and Structural Change

Thursday’s First Quarter Moon is interesting in that it features the characteristic aspects of this difficult month, Jupiter-Uranus, Saturn-Uranus, and Uranus-Pluto. The reason that these aspects are highlighted now is, for one, their triggering by the Sun and Moon; plus the close aspects that both Jupiter and Saturn make to Uranus and to the Uranus/ Eris...

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