A Full Moon of Major Change and Principled Stand

A Full Moon of Major Change and Principled Stand

Monday’s Full Moon is a dynamic one, and brings into further prominence many of the themes of the previous lunations of November, in which we can also include the October 30th Scorpio New Moon that initiated this current thirty-day cycle. The planetary rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, are also featured in this Full Moon by the strong connections that each...

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A First Quarter Moon of Structural Transformation

A First Quarter Moon of Structural Transformation

Monday’s First Quarter Moon in Aquarius represents not only a significant follow-up to the dynamic Scorpio New Moon of October 30th, but also a very strong hit of outer planets Saturn and Pluto, in aspect to the Sun and Moon, and to each other, symbolic of major structural change taking place in our lives. This refers as well to greater recognition of those...

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A New Moon of Intensity of Inner Purpose

A New Moon of Intensity of Inner Purpose

Sunday’s Scorpio New Moon, taking place late morning or mid-day, depending on location, in early evening for Europe, makes for a thoughtful and poetically active time. The Sun and Moon are closely conjunct Mercury and all three are in trine with numinous Neptune, a configuration that is often seen in the natal charts of musicians and poets. As an example,...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Individual and Collective Destiny

A Last Quarter Moon of Individual and Collective Destiny

Saturday’s Last Quarter Moon is quite interesting, with the Sun and Moon residing in the very last degree of their respective signs, of Libra and Cancer, and also in the nature of this October cycle. Following two very strong lunations, the New and Full Moons of September 30th and October 15th, we are finding a modicum of closure. In a natal chart, the last...

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A Full Moon Full of Surprises

A Full Moon Full of Surprises

Saturday evening’s Full Moon in Aries has the distinction of highlighting an already powerful presence of Uranus, trickster astrological emblem of unexpected events and surprising enlightenment. It is said that Uranus represents deep intuition, and symbolizes giving us a glimpse of other-dimensional levels of experience and the origins of the archetypal...

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