A First Quarter Moon of Tension Seeking its Resolution

A First Quarter Moon of Tension Seeking its Resolution

The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn taking place Saturday evening (or early Sunday morning, depending on location) is a strong one, because the Moon is closely conjunct Pluto with Mars nearby, aspected as well by Jupiter and Neptune, and because Venus in mid-Scorpio, the sign of the rulership of Mars and Pluto, is also highlighted in this interesting and somewhat...

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A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

A Libra New Moon of Uncertain Outcomes

Friday evening’s New Moon in Libra, conjunct Jupiter, brings fresh energy to the place of harmony that resides within each of us, because Libra is the sign of diplomacy and balance. Venus, ruler of this New Moon, strongly aspects Neptune in Pisces, by a trine, as the Sun and Moon stimulate this exchange, and while numinous and illusory Neptune remains in orb...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

A Last Quarter Moon of Consciousness and Transformation

Friday morning’s Last Quarter Moon has a lot going on, including the recent station direct of Mercury, and brings to us a strong reminder of the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square that will continue to be a factor in the current astrology for the remainder of this fractious decade. It is interesting also to note that the Fall Equinox has taken place less than one...

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A Full Moon Eclipse of Recognition and Regeneration

A Full Moon Eclipse of Recognition and Regeneration

Friday afternoon’s penumbral Lunar Eclipse represents another powerful lunation, as so many of these recent configurations have been, in this case particularly selecting out Venus, Mars and Chiron for special attention. The Sun and Moon in opposition, at the 24-degree mark of Virgo and Pisces, make a T-square to Mars at 23 Sagittarius, while the eclipse Moon...

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A First Quarter Moon of Imaginative Angst and Dreamy Activity

A First Quarter Moon of Imaginative Angst and Dreamy Activity

Friday's First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius makes for quite a vigorous time, because the Moon is conjunct feisty Mars as the Sun squares him, bringing out an urge for action that is not easily fulfilled. There is a sense of frustration implicit in the square aspect between Sun and Moon, and that between Saturn and Neptune, the important alignment featured in the...

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