A First Quarter Moon of Launching Out and Staying Quiet

A First Quarter Moon of Launching Out and Staying Quiet

Wednesday evening's First Quarter Moon in the Moon's own sign of Cancer brings up the quiet side of all of us, while at the same time Mars in aspect to the Sun and Moon is slowing down and preparing to station to retrograde motion this coming Sunday. In addition, slow and stodgy Saturn is also strongly placed. All these factors seem to indicate that we are stopped...

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An Aries New Moon of Thoughtful Progress

An Aries New Moon of Thoughtful Progress

Thursday's New Moon comes at the perfect time for a liveliness boost the week before we dive deep into the retrogrades of mid-April. These come along ten days later, beginning on Sunday the 17th. In this first week of April there is a burst of enthusiasm for everything that you have going, because Aries as the first Fire sign is full of enthusiasm, and because this...

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A Full Moon of Slowing Down to get your Bearings

A Full Moon of Slowing Down to get your Bearings

The Libra Full Moon of Wednesday, March 23, is also a lunar eclipse, and it is therefore good to remember that eclipses are powerful. This Full Moon phase also represents a fulfillment of one or more themes that are being brought forward from the extremely potent New Moon and solar eclipse from two weeks ago. At that time, all the outer planets were triggered,...

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A First Quarter Moon of Navigation and Transformation

A First Quarter Moon of Navigation and Transformation

Tuesday's First Quarter Moon is an interesting and rather intense lunation, thus completely in keeping with the overall tenor of these times. With the Sun and Moon in Pisces and Gemini, respectively, we find Mercury, ruler of the sign that holds the Moon, perfectly opposed to Jupiter in mid-Virgo, while making a sextile and a trine to Pluto in the same degree of...

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A Pisces New Moon Eclipse of Darkness and Light

A Pisces New Moon Eclipse of Darkness and Light

This Tuesday we have an especially powerful New Moon that is also a solar eclipse, and this serves to remind us that we are in the midst of great societal and personal transformation. This is because the eclipse degree, the 19th of Pisces, simultaneously aspects Uranus and Pluto in their square alignment, active over this entire decade of the "turbulent teens," and...

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