A Grounded and Structurally Transformative Full Moon

A Grounded and Structurally Transformative Full Moon

Monday morning's Full Moon in Virgo, opposite the Sun in the early degrees of Pisces, marks an important opening for further transformation to take place for each one of us, and in the life of the collective that surrounds us, with specifically an emphasis on the changing structures of systems and beliefs that we are seeing as a fundamental part of this new...

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A First Quarter Moon of Reassessment

A First Quarter Moon of Reassessment

Sunday evening's First Quarter Moon in Taurus represents a moment of adjustment, following upon the prior week's very powerful Aquarius New Moon. This lunar phase in any case signals a period of encountering fresh obstacles to the arc of both internal and external development that was initiated in the New Moon timing. The Moon in practical and Earth oriented Taurus...

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A New Moon of Ongoing Metamorphosis

A New Moon of Ongoing Metamorphosis

Monday morning's Aquarius New Moon is quite a potent one, with emphasis on important outer planet placements, thus ratcheting up the intensity of the revolutionary times in which we find ourselves, both culturally and individually. The placement of the New Moon degree connects to both Venus and Mars, as they still also aspect Pluto, along with Uranus, Chiron and...

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A Full Moon of Reassessment and Transformational Impulse

A Full Moon of Reassessment and Transformational Impulse

Saturday evening's Full Moon takes place early Leo, opposed to the Sun in Aquarius, with a prominent Venus, newly entered into Capricorn, and as well in the heart of the current Mercury Retrograde period. This is a rather intense time for Mercury, when it is getting ready to station in close conjunction with Pluto. Mercury passed through its second time in...

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A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions

A First Quarter of Dramatic Realizations and Creative Resolutions

Saturday's First Quarter Moon in late Aries has much to offer, as we arrive at a crucial moment in this January lunation cycle, in the very heart of this current Mercury Retrograde period. Regarding the latter, which has characterized January's Capricorn cycle, we have in these last few days come past the point of the Sun's conjunction with Mercury, one peak...

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