A January New Moon of Restructuring, Resurgence and Realignment

A January New Moon of Restructuring, Resurgence and Realignment

As we get into the actual heart of the New Year timing, with the mid-Capricorn New Moon of Saturday evening, January 9th, conjunct Pluto, itself closely square Uranus, and with Mercury having begun its month-long retrograde cycle through the sign of Capricorn, we can sum up these first tentative steps into 2016 as in some ways a continuation of where we left off,...

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The Magical Metamorphosis of the Christmas Full Moon

The Magical Metamorphosis of the Christmas Full Moon

Friday's Full Moon takes place on the early hours of Christmas Day, and if it is a gift, and it is, this one comes with the mandate to use it wisely. The outer planets are again very much involved, along with the personal planets of Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all in aspect to each other, and to Neptune, Uranus, and Eris, in this powerful and portentous end-of-year...

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First Quarter Moon: Awareness of Higher Responsibility

First Quarter Moon: Awareness of Higher Responsibility

Friday's First Quarter Moon in late Pisces is especially interesting for taking place directly on the Moon's South Node, signifying inheritance from the past. There are additionally several quite important outer planet interactions to take note of, as has been the case with all these recently quite strong lunations, including the New Moon of this past Friday. Last...

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A New Moon of Surprising Compassion and Passionate Activity

A New Moon of Surprising Compassion and Passionate Activity

Friday's New Moon in Sagittarius has it all; the outer planet archetypes of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are activated, along with Venus, Mars and Jupiter. These planets are triggered by each other, and by the Sun and Moon in conjunction at 19 degrees of Sagittarius. The most startling aspect is the near-perfect opposition between Mars and Uranus, within a...

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A Full Moon of Cosmic Enticement

A Full Moon of Cosmic Enticement

Wednesday's Gemini Full Moon is conjunct Saturn and Mercury, and also makes a T-square to numinous Neptune, with the Sun and Moon being in square with this magical presence residing in early Pisces. This signals a thoughtful time of great moment, as we slide into December a week away, and on to the ending of a totally climactic year. In this intense lunation,...

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