A First Quarter Moon of Difficulty and Transformation

A First Quarter Moon of Difficulty and Transformation

The First Quarter Moon of Wednesday late evening, by West Coast time, will take place in the early hours of Thursday morning for the East Coast — and of course even later for further east. This will be an interesting lunation, primarily for the connections made between the inner and the outer planets. Mercury is conjunct the Sun, just escaping by one degree...

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A Difficult and Enlightening New Moon

A Difficult and Enlightening New Moon

Wednesday morning's New Moon in Scorpio presents us with the passion and depth for which this intense Water sign is well-known, and makes a powerful chime with another compatible factor in the current astrological symbolism, namely Chiron, the Wounded Healer, currently residing in the Water sign of Pisces. This powerful configuration also features the highlighted...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Recognition and Healing

A Last Quarter Moon of Recognition and Healing

Tuesday's Last Quarter Moon is an interesting lunation, in part because it features an exact conjunction of Venus and Mars, in aspect with Saturn, and also a near-exact opposition between Jupiter in mid-Virgo and Chiron, in mid-Pisces. As the Moon in Leo completes its closing square with the Sun, now in Scorpio, the creative tension can lead to conflict and yet...

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A Full Moon in Support of Relationship Healing and Soul Intention

A Full Moon in Support of Relationship Healing and Soul Intention

Tuesday morning's Full Moon is an important configuration, bringing us to a new take on our ongoing theme of searching within ourselves to more fully explore the way that we handle relationship, and other matters also. This includes inner wounding that presents barriers to growth and necessary transformation. All these areas are closer than usual to the surface of...

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A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

A First Quarter Moon of Creativity and Connection

Tuesday afternoon's First Quarter Moon, taking place later in the evening for Europe and points further east, represents a surprising and dynamic configuration, in keeping with all of the powerful lunations that we have recently seen, the most recent featuring the highlighted presence of trickster Uranus. A sense of the inherent limitations built into our approach...

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