A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

A New Moon of Shock and Epiphany

Monday afternoon's New Moon in Libra is notable for several reasons, chiefly because it takes place in almost exact opposition to the trickster and enlightening energy of Uranus in Aries, less than one degree away from exact. This makes for a powerful presence of Uranus, not only for this day, but also for the month ahead. We may well see an upsurge in surprises...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Understanding, Growth and Change

A Last Quarter Moon of Understanding, Growth and Change

Sunday afternoon's Last Quarter Moon represents a fitting follow-up to last month's solar eclipse, which featured the transformational energies of all three major outer planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These numinous archetypal symbols are trans-personal in their nature, helping us to grow beyond previous limitations, and to become more aware of where necessary...

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A Full Moon Eclipse of Surprising Enlightenment

A Full Moon Eclipse of Surprising Enlightenment

Sunday evening's Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is another in a long series of recent powerful lunations, as this intense year begins to draw to its close. Coming as it does after the balance point of the Fall Equinox, this powerful eclipse will be a dramatic reminder of that event, being visible over half the Northern hemisphere, just after sunset on the West coast...

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A First Quarter Moon of Frustration and Reassessment

A First Quarter Moon of Frustration and Reassessment

Monday's First Quarter Moon is especially significant, coming, as it does, between two eclipses. Last weekend's powerful New Moon eclipse featured Chiron, Uranus, and Pluto, symbolizing inner wounding, sudden enlightenment and revolutionary transformation, so that we are currently in the midst of a flurry of major change — a theme that has been powerfully...

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An Intensely Transformational Solar Eclipse New Moon

An Intensely Transformational Solar Eclipse New Moon

This weekend's Solar Eclipse and New Moon takes place quite late Saturday evening, almost midnight here on the West Coast of the United States, and therefore quite early the next morning of the 13th on the East Coast and in Europe. Being an eclipse, this is an extra-potent lunation, with effects lasting for six months, rather than the thirty days of the normal...

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