An Angst-Ridden and Redemptive Full Moon

An Angst-Ridden and Redemptive Full Moon

Thursday morning's Full Moon is a powerful configuration, strongly aspecting Uranus and Pluto in the month that they come to the final perfection of their difficult square. This week we therefore get another taste of what we have already been experiencing and are most decidedly in the midst for the early going of this climactic year. This is nothing less than a...

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A Difficult First Quarter Moon

A Difficult First Quarter Moon

Wednesday's First Quarter Moon is an extremely important lunation, coming as it does after the second Aquarius New Moon that began the current cycle. Even though this recent New Moon took place in the last six arc-seconds of Aquarius, this cycle partakes of that Aquarian moment; this is just the way that astrology works. The sign is still the sign, even though...

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The Second Aquarius New Moon

The Second Aquarius New Moon

Wednesday afternoon's New Moon, taking place in the sign of Aquarius for the second time in the very same 30-day period, in the last degree and even the last minute of a degree of Aquarius – only a few minutes of the clock away from the Sun's entrance into sensitive Pisces – brings up an interesting conundrum for astrologers. Is the thirty-day lunar...

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A Strange and Scary Last Quarter Moon

A Strange and Scary Last Quarter Moon

Wednesday evening's Last Quarter Moon represents a very intriguing configuration, with all the planets except for Jupiter contained within an almost perfect inconjunct aspect between the Moon and Eris. Jupiter is therefore once again greatly emphasized, by virtue of being alone in his half of the Zodiac, and aspecting Mars, Chiron, Pluto and the Sun, directly...

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A Dramatic Full Moon in Leo

A Dramatic Full Moon in Leo

Tuesday afternoon's Full Moon represents another challenging lunation, primarily because highlighting Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, while also aspecting Chiron and the still-active Uranus-Pluto square. The Sun and Moon in opposition, in the middle of Aquarius and Leo, connote a healthy balance of masculine and feminine energies, while the relationship orientation...

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