A Fraught and Startling First Quarter Moon

A Fraught and Startling First Quarter Moon

Thursday afternoon's First Quarter Moon has something for everyone, and represents quite an interesting time, when anything can happen, with all the feelings of anticipation and excitement for the new thing that this idea implies. This is also a time when our fears for a less predictable future are simultaneously stirred, so that we also might experience some...

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A Numinously Neptunian New Moon

A Numinously Neptunian New Moon

Wednesday's New Moon is an important one and makes an enormous chime within us all for vital inner work, in combination with the logical thought process that is more typical of the sign of Gemini where it takes place. The reason is that, as this New Moon comes into perfection, it also makes a perfect square alignment with Neptune in his own sign of Pisces, thereby...

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A Relationship-Oriented Last Quarter Moon

A Relationship-Oriented Last Quarter Moon

The Last Quarter Moon taking place early on Wednesday morning, in the first degree of Pisces, is interesting as it coincides precisely with the Sun's entrance into rational and intellectually curious Gemini. We have a therefore far greater ability and inclination than usual to apply the logic of left-brain solutions to our currently multiple dilemmas — as...

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A Full Moon of Change and the Hero’s Journey

A Full Moon of Change and the Hero’s Journey

This Scorpio Full Moon taking place on Wednesday, May 14th, brings up excitement and contrast, and represents another intense lunation, coming along as it does with a stationing Mars in aspect to freedom-loving Uranus and to relationship-oriented Venus, while the Full Moon itself conjuncts the restricting and limiting nature of Saturn, in close bi-quintile aspect...

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An Introspective and Exacting First Quarter Moon

An Introspective and Exacting First Quarter Moon

Tonight's First Quarter Moon, in Leo, is a special one, partly just because of being the quarter phase from the recent solar eclipse in Taurus that featured Uranus and Pluto in square and a slowing retrograde Mars. With these two recent eclipse cycles, in April and now in May, there has been enormous evolutionary pressure upon us all, in subtle and not-so-subtle...

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