The Urgent Activity of the Capricorn Full Moon

The Urgent Activity of the Capricorn Full Moon

Saturday's Full Moon reminds us that we are powerful humans, each on an important and uniquely individual soul quest that, while deriving from each one of us, yet provides the solution to the situation of the social setting in which we find ourselves. The Moon in the social sign of Capricorn squares individualistic Mars, opposite Uranus in Aries, the sign that he...

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A First Quarter Moon of Difficult Grace

A First Quarter Moon of Difficult Grace

Saturday's First Quarter Moon is a potentially difficult and almost certainly enlightening lunation, with relationship communication emphasized. Venus in mid-Gemini is aspected by the Sun and Moon, and Mercury, ruling Gemini, is also stronger than usual as, moving quite slowly, it regains its Zodiacal longitude that it lost during its recent retrograde....

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The Mystical Madness of the Cancer New Moon

The Mystical Madness of the Cancer New Moon

The New Moon in Cancer that takes place in the early morning hours of Friday the 27th is an exciting one, speaking to recent issues from the late spring, when the Uranus-Pluto square created a great deal of food for thought that has been sustaining our self-reflective inquiry right through to the present moment. There were questions raised at that time that are...

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A Last Quarter Moon of Reorientation

A Last Quarter Moon of Reorientation

Thursday's Last Quarter Moon in the late degrees of Pisces represents another shift in the energy, even further toward contemplation, as we enter the Moon's final phase. The planetary patterning also serves as a reminder that as we live through these interesting times that we have somehow chosen, we never know what lies just around the corner. The Moon is inches...

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The Painful Progress of the Sagittarius Full Moon

The Painful Progress of the Sagittarius Full Moon

Thursday evening's Full Moon is quite an interesting one, in part because of the aspects made to other planets beside the Sun and Moon, namely Venus and Chiron. The Full Moon configuration itself, as it comes to the perfection of its opposition, makes powerful aspects to Jupiter, and also a T-square to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. The quality of this lunar phase...

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