A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

A Testing Aries-Libra Full Moon

Wednesday's Full Moon is yet another in the series of potent Full Moon configurations that have been happening around the end of every month. They have been taking place in the first ten degrees of their respective signs, bringing those signs into prominence and aspecting also the outer planets at similar degrees of Aries (Uranus); Scorpio (Saturn); Capricorn...

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A Sensitive and Feisty First Quarter Moon

A Sensitive and Feisty First Quarter Moon

Tuesday's First Quarter Moon is that phase in the lunar cycle when the rubber meets the road – the time when our concrete plans from the New Moon one week prior, and our cherished ideals as well, must measure up to the standards of practicality set for us by a world seemingly indifferent to our original level of enthusiasm. These very issues have become much...

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A New Moon Call for Re-dedication

A New Moon Call for Re-dedication

Monday's New Moon represents a welcome respite from the emotional entanglements of the Pisces line-up of the proceeding week. While many planets remain in Pisces, including obviously the Sun and Moon, the configuration has changed so that Chiron is not so prominent as recently. Also, with the energy shifting forward, there is now less emphasis on introspection....

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A Meditative Last Quarter Moon

A Meditative Last Quarter Moon

Monday's Last Quarter Moon represents a further and deeper taste of the Mercury retrograde period that we are currently in the midst of, and that began in tune with the recent Virgo Full Moon during the last week of February. Traditionally, this Last Quarter phase already represents, in any case, our taking a backward look over our collective shoulder at the...

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The Painful Presence of the Virgo Full Moon

The Painful Presence of the Virgo Full Moon

With Monday's Full Moon in Virgo we come to an important turning point in our journey toward greater self-knowledge and integration. This moment in the lunation cycle represents some sense of culmination in what we have been attempting in the two weeks since the New Moon of February 9th, and is accompanied by a Pisces line-up involving six planets, including the...

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