Gemini Horoscope for June 2017

Gemini Horoscope for June 2017

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of new beginnings for you, Gemini, as is appropriate for your birthday time of the year. This is also a particularly eventful one, with outer planet energies stirring up your chart, and with Mars prominent in your sign. You have an idealized sense of what you are after career-wise that can also be confusing. You are feeling a powerful initiative to be up and doing, with sudden impulses and wild ideas, that you must either stifle or else go with. There are also definite impediments to be encountered along the way, as unexpected blockages arise. It is best when you can take everything philosophically, because there are important lessons to be learned in navigating these obstacles to your ultimate satisfaction. This is a time of deep change taking place within you, so that no matter how much artistry you bring, your own inner metamorphosis is your most important product.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Rebecca Gordon. To learn more about Rebecca's work, visit

It may not have been the easiest year for love and partnership as Saturn has been situated in your partner sector for the last year, likely acting as a catalyst and bringing any inevitable to conclusion that much faster. You have also likely learned about the word ‘unacceptable’ – in other words becoming ultra-clear about what must change in a key relationship.

This Full Moon on June 9th will highlight a relationship in your life that can either mature and blossom or else you both face the sobering Saturnian reality that you have grown apart. If that is the case, spend time to gather yourself and reflect on all of the growth and deepening that happened in the duration. Saturn will be in your partner sector until December, and during this time, it is your job to face doubts and fears head on and then step up to open your heart. Saturn is not about playing the field; rather it is the energy of deep commitment and austere clarity. If partnerships do not withstand a Saturn transit, you can then know it was not build to withstand the test of time.

Friday and Saturday, June 2nd, and 3rd, will be exciting days for you to play in the magic of socializing and spontaneity as Venus and Uranus meet in the friendship zone of your chart. Jupiter and the Moon will also send a bright angle to your Sun in Gemini from the sector of true love – a truly magical weekend kicks off the month. On the Full Moon of June 9th Jupiter will also turn direct in your house of true love so you can finally expect forward motion where there may have been stagnation since February (when the retrograde there began). As the first half of this year may have been introspective in love, with points of slow and stop, you can expect the second half to be expedited.

On June 13th, your planetary ruler, Mercury, will meet both Neptune and Jupiter – while your mental creativity will be soaring, you may also want to make sure that you are well-organized to make the best of this day.

On June 15th, the Sun in Gemini will directly oppose Saturn in your partnership sector so you may need to rest and recuperate instead of letting opposition wear you down. If you were born near June 14-15, then right now you have Saturn directly opposed your Sun and that transit will ask you to take a thorough look at your obstacles and doubts – which ones have you created and what is actually a hurdle that needs to be addressed. During Saturn opposed the Gemini Sun, all you Gemini’s will need extra sleep and nutrients through mid-June, especially Calcium and Magnesium, as Saturn rules these minerals and it will therefore be a good time to fortify your body and bones.

The June 23rd New Moon will open up your zone of talents and income, urging you to come back to the things you enjoy and more freely share your gifts with the world. It may also be an ideal time to begin raising your rates or start charging for what has previously been a hobby. If you do decide to go pro, pay particular attention to where you are investing your funds and make sure that these ventures are truly in alignment with all that you hold inside. With a hard opposition to power-oriented Pluto, it seems that someone could be trying to convince you to spend more than you need to. Near June 29th, take your time and check in before you commit. However the friendly angle to Neptune shows a more creative side to your business that will develop with momentum.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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