Gemini Horoscope for July 2017

Gemini Horoscope for July 2017

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of outer world activity and inner awareness, Gemini. Your career moves are greatly emphasized this month, with both the usual practical concerns and also a subtler shift in attitude, in favor of considerations of life purpose. You are feeling a growing sense of mission over recent months, and are coming to believe that this sense of deep intention has to take priority over the details of making a living and progress in worldly affairs. You are energized toward a new grounding and the way that you define yourself to include a built-in sense of security that does not depend on your bank balance alone. Your own unconscious is very present to you, and holds volumes when you tune your mind to listen. Dream journals might be a helpful adjunct now. Your inner spaces could speak to you more truely than all your overt thought process and mental logic.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

This month of July begins with a stellium of planets in your second house of resources, livelihood, and self-worth. In every second house, there is an imprinted idea about what we’re capable of producing, making, or bringing forth from within ourselves. When we live according to the normal materialist standards of the world, then it’s easy to judge our self-worth based purely on whether we can turn our talents and abilities into money and “things.” This is always a trap, because even if we do turn our talents and abilities into money and things, they are never truly the measure of our self-worth. These lessons are universal but they are worth repeating this month for all those born under the sign of the twins. As the month unfolds, the planet Mars will be in its fall in your second house, slowly being consumed by combustion to the Sun. In traditional astrology, this simply means that it’s a time of rebirth for you in relationship to your money, finances, livelihood, your relationship to material things in general, and your self-worth in general. Because Mars is a fiery planet, full of passionate desire, impulse, action, and intensity, whenever it is consumed by the Sun it’s as though our actions are less effective, or that we have a harder time getting what we want, or that we feel less thrilled by achieving the same old desires by the same old means or methods. Mars in the sign of his fall, in a watery and lunar sign, also indicates that Mars’ normal fiery powers are a bit dampened this month, or perhaps made a bit more domestic, nurturing, and sensitive, which could indicate that it’s time to do some work around the house, or to find some extra time to try a new recipe. It could also mean that tensions related to money and family, in general, are coming up this month.

As the Sun, Mars, and Mercury are heading through your second house, they are all beholding Jupiter in your fifth house, by square alignment, which also brings in the themes of creativity, pregnancy or children, and recreation, joy and pleasure. Since Jupiter is also the natural ruler of your seventh house of relationships, it’s possible that these themes are also woven together within your partnerships or within your partner’s life at this time.

Speaking of relationships, Venus is entering your first house as of July 5th and will stay in your first house the entire month. Venus entering your first house means that you’re likely to feel good, look good, and be at your charming best! Being the natural communicator of the zodiac, when Venus is in your first house it’s easily one of the lighter and more social and happy times of the year for you. However, it’s important to note that as the month goes on Venus will slowly apply to an opposition to Saturn in Sagittarius, which perfects on July 2fourth. On the one hand, this dynamic may provide opportunities for greater commitment in love, but on the other hand the dynamic may just as easily signal that it’s time to have a more serious talk, or possibly even confrontation, within important relationships.

More generally speaking, your open-minded self may naturally attract conversations or encounters with the “true believers” represented by Saturn in Sagittarius. Just remember, open-mindedness can be a dogma of its own, so to stay truly open-minded this month might mean considering someone’s commitment to ideas that you find narrower or more conservative compared to your own. On the other hand, you are always at your best when using your critical thinking skills, and often the best gift you give others is exactly this kind of open-minded cautiousness. The encounters you have this month in relationships are setting the stage for an exciting series of eclipses in August, which take place in your third house of communication, so stay tuned for more!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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