Gemini Horoscope for August 2017

Gemini Horoscope for August 2017

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an important month for you, Gemini, especially in terms of some of your favorite areas, communication, learning, and evolving worldview. These have been major themes ever since the Leo New Moon, a week before the month began, and right through the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of August 7th when they will get a boost. The eclipses of this month are powerful for you, and dovetail with the retrograde of your ruler, Mercury, through your fourth and ultimately your third house. Issues of home and family will likely come up for introspective meditation and review over the latter half of the month of August, even as the way that you communicate and reach out to others remain front and center throughout the month as well. The shift in your world view takes greater account what comes to you on an intuitional basis from deep inside you, and allows you to more fully partake of plans and goals that allow greater alignment between inner and outer priorities.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

This month is eclipse month, and it is arguably the most dynamic astrological month of the year. For those born under the sign of the twins this month is also significant because your patron planet, Mercury, is going to be making a long-standing opposition to Neptune and will also turn retrograde in your fourth house. Let’s unpack both eclipses along with Mercury’s movements and see what’s cooking!

The first eclipse is taking place on August 7th, and it’s a lunar eclipse (lunar eclipses occur on Full Moons) in your ninth house. The ninth house is the house related to belief, philosophy, higher education and religion or spirituality, as well as foreign countries or long journeys. Because lunar eclipses are related to culmination or closure, you may find that you are reaching an important turning point or ending in your life related to your personal beliefs, a period of studying something, a time of travel abroad, or a set of philosophical or religious convictions. For example, one of my Gemini clients will be finishing their dissertation while another will be finishing up a long period of living abroad this month!

The second eclipse is taking place August 21st, and it’s a solar eclipse (solar eclipses occur on New Moons), in the sign of Leo in your third house. The third house is related to communication, speech, messages and messengers, learning, the media, writing, short journeys, siblings, and our personal intelligence. Solar eclipses signify new beginnings. A solar eclipse in this house may therefore indicate that you are starting an important project related to third house subjects, or that you are considering a brand-new form of communication, learning, or thinking. On the other hand, you could see dynamic things happening with your neighbors, cousins, or siblings this month along the same lines, or it’s possible that a period of traveling or of making continual journeys is coming to an end.

Third house eclipses often change us inside and out by first changing our mind about someone or something, or they bring important messages, messengers, or new forms of communication, learning, or even technology to bear on our lives in a powerful way.

Finally, Mercury will be moving into a near perfect opposition with Neptune between your fourth and tenth houses for the first several weeks of August. Mercury will also turn retrograde in your fourth house on August 12th. The topics emphasized during this transit will include home, family, parents, and property (fourth house), and job, reputation, rank or achievement, and authority figures (tenth house). Mercury opposite Neptune can bring up themes of honesty versus deception, overpromising and under-delivering, being misunderstood or lacking clarity, going through a period of disentanglement as the truth is uncovered, or general tension between your private life and private thoughts and your public position. Remember, that with eclipses taking place in your third house, you could pay a high price for any immaturity, dishonesty, deception, or manipulation in your communication this month, so be extra mindful, but also remember to be discerning and careful about what you’re hearing from those around you. Those born when the Sun was traveling through the Twins are communicators, thinkers, and messengers by nature, so August’s eclipses along with this Mercury dynamic will be extra potent for you. Be sure to stay the course of your higher self, and call on your better angels in all your interactions with others this month. Good luck, Gemini!

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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