Gemini Horoscope for September 2017

Gemini Horoscope for September 2017

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a time of consolidation, Gemini. You have been delving into interior realms within you and second-guessing familiar relationships ever since the last half of August, and this month you are seeking better answers to age-old questions regarding all that you hold inside, both the bitter and the sweet. You professional goals, expanded from the admixture of all this inner work, remain somewhat fuzzy and vague throughout the current month. You can discover more about what you are truly up to by consulting your intuition than by concrete nuts-and-bolts analysis, although this, too, has its place. The practical side of you is bolstered by the opinions of significant others in your life. The first week of September brings significant change, helping you to sort out your priorities in terms of soul-level commitment, while it is likely that the last half of the month will see you attempting to more fully understand your own early wounding.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Samuel Reynolds; visit him at Unlock Astrology :

You might have a harder time navigating through other people’s expectations of you this month. Perhaps it’s even difficult to know what you want or feel. A good measure to take will be about becoming more aware, and doing something about it.

Quick-minded Mercury moving out of his retrograde on the 5th will certainly help you figure things out. Mercury is your sign’s go-to planet, so you also might feel you’re able to move forward. But sometimes you must reflect on what’s been holding you back before you can take great strides forward.

Since somber Saturn came out of his retrograde near the end of the last month, you’ve perhaps felt a load lift from your shoulders. Maybe it was a load you weren’t even aware you were carrying until you began to feel lighter. Or you began to piece through the fallout you had with various friends, family, or colleagues over their overt or cover expectations of you.

With Mercury moving forward and in fiery Leo, you can be direct with yourself and others over what may have gone wrong, and have positive solutions to propose. As vigorous Mars sneaks into meticulous Virgo, on the 5th as well, you’ll probably find it easier to suss out details and convert concept into constructive action. But don’t yield into going into overdrive with work when Mercury partners with Mars in Virgo on the 16th. You might beware of becoming too demanding of others without enough rest or perspective on all that you want to carry out.

Luckily, the Pisces Full Moon on the 6th can serve to lift you out of any tedious toil. The time of the Full Moon is a good time to clarify your own expectations. You might want to check in on whether you’re keeping your eyes on the chief dreams and prizes you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. Perhaps you’ve buried yourself in a lot of busy work rather than commit to what you once saw as your main mission.

Then, on the 22nd, the exuberant Sun’s entry into breezy Libra, the sign lining your fifth house of pleasure and creative confidence, will award you with ease of trusting yourself again.

Generous Jupiter and unpredictable Uranus bolster this message when they strive to reach for a winning deal when they oppose each other on the 28th. For you, that deal could be a real accord you make with someone with whom you’ve been at odds. Or it might manifest as a lucky break with something (or someone) that has been on your radar for a while. However it shows up, though, know that it’s likely happening in line with letting up the focus on others to relax into your own joy or pleasure.

Your ruling planet, Mercury, seconds that sentiment when it goes into Libra on the last day of the month. With the Sun and Mercury located in your house of pleasurable self-confidence, you’ll also find more of the words and thoughts to stay on track with your own desire. And you can still keep tracking on how to support others, with clearer expectations.

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