Gemini Horoscope for October 2018

Gemini Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

The transformational beat continues, Gemini. If past months have proven dramatically full of the impulse for major life alteration, which after all at times has to be built up to, then this month presents the icing on the cake of change. Once again, Pluto is emphasized, along with Neptune and Uranus, and you will find that your sense of mission has intensified for making something different and uniquely yours begin to emerge out of the dreams, imaginings, and overt goals of your private and professional life. You are very outer-oriented right now, but this focus seems to include a good dose of inner preoccupation in order that you truly get to where your higher Self wants you to go. Your intuition is going full blast, your creativity is dazzling, and your career choices twinkle with a sense of wonder. With Venus in retrograde motion you are giving all of these areas a second look; only the path with heart holds any real interest for you now.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with your ruling planet Mercury making a square to Pluto, exact by October 2nd. Mercury will be in Libra in your fifth house of creativity and joy, and Pluto will be in Capricorn in your eighth house of death and rebirth. You could be drawn into taboo or subversive topics or conversations. As well, you may be drawing creative inspiration from a healthy exploration of social stigmas or personal fears, or you might be enjoying the pleasure and beauty of finding an uncommon level of honesty in your relationships. At the same time, be careful that you are not overtaken with the subterranean influence of Pluto, which could have you feeling unnecessarily obsessive, impulsive, or anxious.

On October 5th, Venus in Scorpio will turn retrograde in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service, bringing to you a period of intensive personal transformation over the next forty days. As Venus was originally associated with cleanliness and health, you shouldn’t be surprised if you are just a little more susceptible to the yuckies this month. The best remedy is to be proactive with all the basics: eat right, sleep enough, drink enough water, and try hard to avoid putting junk into your system! It’s also a possible time to overwork and exhaust yourself, or to find that your relationships are more tedious or challenging than usual. On the other hand, this is also an excellent time to review your day-to-day lifestyle and to consider making significant changes regarding your health, daily work patterns, or relationships in the workplace. If you are in a creative field, you may also notice that you are in the grind of an editing or revising process, or you may notice that tensions are high among co-workers, employees, or colleagues in general. Diffusing tension comes naturally for you thanks to your natural charm and wit, but you should beware of trying to pull the wool over anybody’s eyes right now; there isn’t much that Venus in Scorpio will not detect.

October 8th, the Libra New Moon falls in your fifth house of creativity and joy, emphasizing the seeding of a new creative endeavor over the weeks ahead. The topics of children and pregnancy may also be up for you, as well as the arts, performance, sport, and recreation. Traditionally, the fifth house was associated with the planet Venus, and is therefore associated with romance and love affairs, as well. Given that Venus is retrograde, you may be reconnecting with a past lover or perhaps revisiting an old creative project or pastime.

On October 10th, Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your sixth house of work and service will square Mars in Aquarius in your ninth house of the higher mind just as Mercury, your ruler, enters Scorpio opposing rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house of dissolution and transcendence. Yeah. That’s all happening at once! And what it boils down to is a moment of personal innovation and discovery, or perhaps even rebellion, taking place both internally and externally, within your own mind and within your relationships. This is a great time to question or examine your beliefs or spiritual practices, and to explore the shadowy topics that most people pretend or explain away. Creative transformation or catharsis is also indicated but you might want to be careful of your rush to make a statement. Think of this as the start of a long-term creative process and be patient, in order to allow the results develop in their own time.

On October 11th, the Sun in Libra in your fifth house of creativity and joy is squaring Pluto in Capricorn in your eighth house of death and rebirth, suggesting the intensification of the creative themes that are clearly very prominent for you this month. Take note of whatever is surfacing from your unconscious and see what you can do to harness these energies into a work of passionate self-expression. You may also have deeper than usual encounters with others right now, perhaps even finding a creative collaboration of some kind.

On October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your sixth house will also square Mars in Aquarius in your ninth. The world of travel adventures, spirituality, and higher education might be calling to you, or you might be focused on a process of learning or critical analysis. It’s a good time to deconstruct, analyze, argue, debate, or explore the intricacies of complicated subjects, but beware of the potential for a more combative mental or verbal state, as well.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in the mist and shadows of the twelfth house and oppose Venus in Scorpio in your sixth house of work and service. With Venus retrograde also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus by October 30th, the month ends with a focus on the emotional depths of your relationships. What does a healthy level of sexual, romantic, or creative freedom look like, and what kinds of changes do you need to make to achieve it' On the other hand, what sort of patterns are you becoming more aware of that are keeping you from deeper intimacy and commitment, or deeper health and interpersonal contentment' If you answer these questions honestly right now, you will likely find that you are ready to let go of something that is no longer serving you.

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