Gemini Horoscope for September 2018

Gemini Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This constitutes another amazing and transitional month for you, Gemini, a fitting cap to the recent summer intensity. After some serious introspection with both Mars and your ruler, Mercury, in retrograde, finally culminating this month, you are emerging as though from a dark tunnel feeling renewed and creative. While home and family concerns begin to take center stage over more public pursuits, your self-expression is blossoming in new ways. Through all the recent drama you are becoming more aware than ever of your own inner world, and your strong service orientation. Career issues take on a mystical glow, such that only the path with heart will be truly satisfying to you now. Intimacy and partnership stability win out over the ordinary tasks associated with simply making ends meet. You do best during this powerful period of consolidation when you pay the closet possible attention to that inner voice of intuition that seems like angelic guidance, and consult inner priorities as fully important, governing your outer world actions.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month gets started as Mercury in Leo in your third house of communication, the mind, and siblings, is making a sextile to Venus in Libra in the fifth house of children and creativity, culminating on September 3rd, emphasizing the need or desire to express or articulate yourself more creatively. The themes of children or child-like joy, writing, singing, speaking, or performance may be highlighted, or you may find that you are finding more ease, charm, and fun in your relationships. This is also a romantic transit that may emphasize dating, flirtation, sexuality, and playfulness. Because your ruling planet, Mercury, is traveling through Leo and connecting with Venus, don’t be surprised if you are feeling more attractive, confident, bold, and expressive.

On September 8th, Venus in Libra in your fifth house of children/pregnancy and creativity will square Mars in your eighth house of transformation, rebirth, and “other people’s money.” The tension between Venus and Mars can be creative and fruitful, but it’s a bit like learning to dance the tango, it’s easy for somebody’s toes to get stepped on in the process. However, if you handle this moment carefully, there is an opportunity for a much deeper level of intimacy, creativity, and sharing to take place, but it may require that you be open to some level of personal healing and transformation. This transit may also involve themes of money, investments, gambling, sports, risk versus reward analysis, or even issues related to both love and finances.

Next, the New Moon in Virgo plants a seed in your fourth house of home, family, and property on September 9th, opposite Neptune in your tenth house of career. With Mercury also highly dignified in Virgo in the fourth house, while making a loose grand earth trine to Saturn and Uranus, you are likely about to experience some practical changes in relation to your living spaceor family life, as well as your professional life. It’s a great time to evaluate the most practical level of things in relation to your creative aspirations. Assessing things carefully, making simple changes wherever they are most needed, you are poised to turn a few fantasies into reality.

Then, on September 12th, Venus in Scorpio in your sixth house of work and service will oppose Uranus in Taurus in your twelfth house of dissolution, healing, and self-undoing. Venus in combination with Uranus loves to defy traditional sexual and artistic values, so don’t be surprised if you are noticing a rebellious energy surrounding your work life or relationships right now. Given the potentially challenging nature of the twelfth house Uranus placement, you should be careful of making rash or impulsive choices, and instead you might explore how to break free of whatever is most unhealthy or self-destructive in your life, especially every day habits and compulsive choices. On the other hand, this transit may also empower you to be of greater service in the world, or to make changes to your life for the sake of healing yourself or bringing healing to others.

On September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your ninth house of higher education, spirituality and long journeys will square Uranus in your twelfth house of dissolution, healing, and self-undoing. All summer long you were experiencing a Mars retrograde within your ninth house, perhaps signaling important changes regarding your beliefs, studies or spiritual practices, or in relation to the topic of foreign countries or long journeys. The need to find the balance between power and surrender isn’t easy for anyone. To be a real spiritual warrior, one must become both strong and humble, surrendered and yet fierce in one’s convictions. This transit brings all of these themes back to the surface, but with Mars now in direct motion, there is an opportunity for integration and accomplishment, or for the implementation of new lessons, ideas, and for the qualities of independence and wisdom to be married together.

Between September 22nd and 23rd, the Sun will pass through the gateway of the Fall Equinox and enter your fifth house, signaling a time focused on creativity, joy, children or pregnancy, performance, and pleasure. However, the Sun in Libra was traditionally said to be in its “fall,” which is why we say that Libra represents the start of the “Fall” season. The Autumn thus invites a deeper level of introspection, balance, and beauty into your life right now, perhaps requiring you to reflect upon and refine your sense of pleasure, your social life, or the way you creatively express yourself.

Finally, on September 24th, the Full Moon will fall in the sign of Aries in your eleventh house of friends, colleagues, dreams, and groups, opposite the Sun and Mercury in Libra in the fifth house of creativity and children, and creating a T-square with Saturn in the eighth house of death and rebirth. With Mars, the ruler of Aries, simultaneously working its way through your ninth house, you might be transforming your social life in ways that are both spiritual and competitive, or philosophical and adventurous at once. On the other hand, you could be making or planning a long journey or considering an exciting educational opportunity. Just remember, your ruling planet, Mercury, will be in Libra opposing the Full Moon, and so for as much intense “Mars” energy as there is likely to be in your social environment right now, you are likely to be striking a more diplomatic and harmonious tone, personally.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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