Gemini Horoscope for February 2020

Gemini Horoscope for February 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You are entering a different kind of monthly cycle this time, Gemini, following the recent intensely transformational month that began 2020, one that is quieter but by no means less consequential. In the aftermath of the recent intensity signaled by Saturn and Pluto in collision, you now have a highlighted presence of nebulous Neptune that makes an almost perfect chime with the strong intuitional insights of Uranus as a significant part of this picture, occupying your sector of unconscious process and inner work. This influence is there right from the very beginning of February, while the inward turning of a potent Mercury Retrograde period comes in mid-month, starting on the 16th. This adds to a sense of foggy unreality represented by Neptune’s fuzzy logic in dominating your career sector. You might feel idealistically inclined, and desiring to go to depth in anything that you attempt this month in the way of outer world commitment. Only the path with heart will have any real appeal for you now.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Partnership of all kinds continues to be a big theme at the beginning of February as you juggle career and personal obligations. However one of the themes at the beginning of the month is connected to a certain amount of pressure that has been building up and the need to address it. You have been spreading yourself thin in the last month with your focus on many different responsibilities, tasks and demands made on you at work but also in your personal life. You might not know where to focus your attention at this time as everything seems equally important. Finding common ground with difficult people has taken a significant amount of patience. Mars transiting in Sagittarius in your house of partnerships is giving you the desire to relate but compromising might not feel like it is worth your time or stress.

You ruler Mercury leaves Aquarius on February 3rd and enters Pisces, shifting focus on career and vocation. Two days later, on February 5th, Mercury sextile Uranus in Taurus offers some clues on how to best manage recent stressors and responsibilities. It could be that you are feeling more lucid regarding internal moods, mental and physical states, and how tension at work is affecting you. This is the beginning of a significant process that will take you all the way to March 21st around the Equinox when this aspect becomes exact again.

Venus enters Aries on February 7th (until March 4th), which brings support from friends and community. Your desire for socializing could increase while Venus transits in Aries. This in turn could bring supportive and healing conversations especially when Venus joins Chiron on February 9th/10th.

The Full Moon takes place in Leo late evening February 8th/9th, illuminating communication, exchanges but also your siblings or people that feels like siblings. Don’t be a stranger, but rather go ahead and initiate connections at this time. The Sun transiting in Aquarius emphasize your role as a teacher, mentor or student and all the responsibilities it entails. However, this Full Moon is your opportunity to step away from that role for a minute and find yourself amongst peers. The camaraderie and familiarity of close relationships could be just what the doctor ordered.

On February 16th, your ruler Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces (until March 9th when it stations direct in Aquarius). There could thus be an initial period of confusion mid-month because something needs untangling. It’s an excellent time to assess a situation at work and reorganize your priorities. Recent issues regarding boundaries and the lack thereof could become a factor. If you have taken on responsibilities or burdens that belong to others, the next few weeks will make this obvious; in your negotiations, remember where you end, and where others begin.

On the same day of the 16th, Mars leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn until March 30th, emphasizing shared assets, funding, taxes and other people’s money. This is a territory you are very familiar with by now with Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter transiting here. Ongoing negotiations could gain traction while Mars travels here, offering some strategy to work with. A big theme in the second half of February will be these sorts of transactions taking place regarding shared assets and how to find the proper support for what you want to accomplish. You could perhaps be asked to clarify a goal or business idea in order to get funding.

The Sun enters the mutable sign of Pisces on February 18th as in the Northern Hemisphere we slowly start to move towards the end of winter. The Sun in Pisces will bring movement and change to situations that have felt stagnant. You could start to see what will need to be surrendered in order for you to move ahead. The sign of Pisces is located at the end of the Zodiac before the renewal of Spring and the Sun in Aries. It represents a liminal place in the year when the tides are changing but the horizon is still out of sight. There is a definite shift occurring at the beginning of this new decade that offers many possibilities to restructure our lives. With Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, transiting in earthy Capricorn, the focus of these changes is and will continue to be on our material and physical realities.

The New Moon in Pisces takes place on February 23rd in the sector of your chart that relates to career and vocational goals. The intentions seeded at this time could be linked to your desire for more financial autonomy. On February 25th, Mercury will meet the Sun in Pisces in an inferior conjunction as an important part of its retrograde cycle. This is a crucial time during Mercury Retrograde that could deliver some important clues. The light of the Sun could definitely clarify certain things and bring solutions. Mercury will still be moving retrograde in Pisces for another few weeks but this is more or less more or less the halfway point of its retrograde cycle. Mars in Capricorn conjoining the South Node on the same day can offer insights into the past in order to move forward.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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