Gemini Horoscope for March 2020

Gemini Horoscope for March 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an interesting month for you, Gemini, following last month’s retrograde of Mercury, your ruler. The Mercury Retrograde period, extending through at least the third week of March as the messenger planet makes up its lost ground, is particularly strong for members of your sign, and has been moving through your tenth sector of career and profession. You have likely had various miscommunications since the middle of February, and perhaps second thoughts regarding what you are actually up to. Lately there has also been a concerted effort on your part to get more out of intimate connection, and accompanying depth researches into your own psyche. In considering your recent challenges and changes, you have been trying to decide how what you do matches up with your most sincere values; and that fit, or its lack, has grown increasingly important to you over these past weeks. The Aries New Moon of March 24th represents a quite potent juncture when these restless thoughts may well assume the name of action.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of March opens up with the First Quarter Moon in your sign highlighting tension between the needs of your body and your career obligations. Your ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde in Pisces – which means you might be undergoing a revision period. Assessing your responsibilities, your energy output, and your needs at this time will prove to be helpful for structuring a better work schedule. Mercury moves back into Aquarius on March 4th where it was at the beginning of February. An issue you have had to contend with might finally be on the verge of resolution. Getting some answers or at least clarifications will help relieve some of your anxiety.

Venus enters Taurus at the beginning of the month and this will prompt you to find more internal equilibrium. Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus on March 7th and 8th can bring insights into your inner workings if you are willing to go there. With Uranus transiting your soul-sector for the next several years, mindfulness practice and meditation could help you get a handle on stress and find proactive ways of managing it.

The Full Moon in Virgo on March 9th illuminates your responsibilities at home and perhaps an overwhelming sense of duty. Tension between your aspirations and your home life are possible as you try to reconcile the two. The Full Moon in your home sector urges you to find downtime for your family and your own projects. The Sun/Neptune conjunction opposing the Full Moon might also bring a confusing element and the possibility of not seeing something clearly. Discernment is called for around the Full Moon as you might be prone to wishful thinking. Your ruler Mercury stations direct in Aquarius late on the night of the Full Moon highlighting once again this need for clarity. Information that had remained hidden might finally surface and help you make a decision.

On March 10th and 11th, the Sun in Pisces makes a supportive sextile to its traditional ruler Jupiter currently in the sign of Capricorn. There could be a possibility to link a career idea to financial support coming from others. Some sort of funding could help you set something in motion, and it’s a good idea to explore your options. With proper planning and hard work you might be able to find what you need for a career goal. Those themes continue to be highlighted until March 19th when the Sun enters Aries. Mid-March could represent a time when you finally can see things start to move in a good direction. Situations that had remained in suspense are finally being clarified and you are finding the answers you need. Much of the astrology of March highlights your place in the world and the experiences you desire to have career wise. Opportunities are available and could come via your associations and the support from others. The Sun’s ingress into the sign of Aries signals the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The last two weeks of March will challenge you to take your ideas to the people who can help you concretize them.

On March 21st, Saturn enters Aquarius until July for a quick dip before it officially enters Aquarius on December 17th. Saturn’s time in Aquarius for the next two years will carry new learning opportunities especially in the realm of academia, teaching, and mind-opening experiences. Saturn transiting in your fellow Air sign means it will bring supportive growth opportunities to you, Gemini. You might have a desire to go back to school, or you could be stepping into a teaching position. Whatever it is, Saturn’s time in Aquarius for the next two years will open doors to a new level of mastery in connection with knowledge.

The New Moon in Aries on March 24th brings a powerful reset in the realm of your aspirations. You might have to contend with contradictory scenarios while trying to reconcile your dreams with the necessary means to realize them. The New Moon squaring the Lunar Nodes indicates that extra efforts will be required to get what we want. It could feel like we are planting our best intentions in scorched soil but the seeds planted at this time also carry future harvests. Mars is a big player for the last two weeks of March, and therefore you can expect power dynamics to occur. There could be a certain level of agitation and impatience in the air. You will have to contend with a level of resistance that should be met with appropriate effort, while still keeping in mind that tact and diplomacy is also much needed at this time, when dealing with others.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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