Gemini Horoscope for April 2020

Gemini Horoscope for April 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is quite an interesting month for you, Gemini, with a focus on personal growth, dreaming big about future plans, and changes in close interpersonal connection. The social situation might contribute to the last of these, and indicates also the inevitability of change, which you are dealing with on a personal basis also. A strong presence of otherworldly Neptune in your career sector, right from the very beginning of the month, symbolizes an uncertainty about how your work in the world is going now, with an emphasis on idealism, and planning for future alterations in this area that take you closer to your heart’s true desire for accomplishment independent of what seems to be practical or financially rewarding. Then, too, Venus enters your sign for four months, beginning on April 3rd, bringing relationship thoughts to the fore over all this period. The Full Moon of April 7th is both optimistic and transformational for you, with the reality of change perhaps even more evident. Something is being taken away, but much abides.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

The month of April opens with a multitude of situations - just like the open tabs on your computer. The question is not so much where to focus your attention, but more where NOT to waste your energy. Mars and Saturn are still conjoined together in Aquarius at the beginning of the month. Saturn just entered Aquarius and for Gemini it signals the beginning of a new level of mastery. Saturn in Aquarius for the next three years will play a supportive role in connection with teaching, academia, and travel. In the next few years, you might find yourself on a new learning journey. It could also be that you are thrust with more responsibilities at work or step into the role of a teacher. New structures are emerging. Whatever is simmering in connection with these themes will start to reveal itself in the coming weeks.

You might have to attend to a host of unpleasant details at the beginning of the month in order to straighten your finances. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer on April 1st carries tension between your many revenue streams.

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd where she will grace your sign for the next four months. With her transit in your sign for so long, you will find yourself redefining your priorities. Venus is often associated with what we value. Venus entering your sign will support a process of realigning with your core values. There will certainly be a process of discarding old assumptions about money, pleasure, beauty standards, relationships, and spending habits when Venus moves retrograde in your sign in late spring. For now however, Venus in Gemini is simply a time to be aware of what is emerging and where your attention is turning to. Venus transiting in your sign is also an opportunity to reconnect with your body, your sense of inner and outer beauty and your creativity. You will find that your desire for pleasure increases and it’s an excellent time to seize the day.

The Full Moon in Libra on April 7th highlights the culmination of a creative project or an original idea. It could also be that a revelation makes you aware of the need to tend more attentively to what inspires you. With Venus in your sign ruling over the Full Moon in Libra, I wouldn’t be surprised if you get flooded by a tide of new ideas. Your ruler Mercury currently in Pisces enters a supportive sextile to Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn on the same day connecting vocation and funding. After a period of limitation or standstill, you might come up with the solutions you need to pursue a career project. Jupiter conjoined with Pluto in Capricorn points towards new horizons. It could be a time of decisive action, regained trust, and the confidence boost you need to get moving.

Your ruler Mercury finally leaves Pisces where it has been swimming since the beginning of February. Your thoughts and communication will be energized while Mercury travels in Aries. You should start to see an increased tempo in your exchanges, and you might feel like socializing more. Mercury will be very busy with a multitude of aspects from a conjunction with Chiron in Aries on April 14th-15th to a sextile with Mars in Aquarius, and Venus in Gemini on April 18th, arriving at their midpoint. You should find yourself very busy tying up loose ends, but also coming into new agreements with others.

On April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus signaling the need for you to slow down, and tend to your private sanctuary. You might still have to deal with many responsibilities that came up in the last few weeks. However, Taurus season is your cue to pay attention to your energy level, and slow down. The need to manage your stress will be felt in the second part of the month. It’s an excellent time to practice mindfulness and deal with your anxiety. The New Moon in Taurus on April 22nd is your cue to regroup. This is an important lunation to deal with anything that undermines your happiness. Commit to healthy habits that support your mental and physical well-being. The seeds planted at this time can serve as a foundational practice to return to when things get busy. The last week of April will prompt you to move deeper into what calms you. This makes for an excellent time for inner and outer Spring-cleaning.

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