Gemini Horoscope for May 2020

Gemini Horoscope for May 2020

Posted on in Gemini |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is an unusually wild and wooly month for you, Gemini, with a great deal of inner focus. The recent New Moon from the latter part of April has brought along with it a species of restlessness that involves turning to the inside of your psyche for the answers to a multitude of unvoiced questions. You are also being encouraged in quite the opposite direction, toward making your mark upon the more practical world of career and profession. Upcoming astrological currents from the 12th to the 14th bring these latter concerns to a head, and include the retrograde of Venus in your sign. You are tuning in to the recognition of a profoundly transformational phase that you find yourself in the midst of, and that speaks to intimacy at deep levels with yourself and others. In the second half of the month you may be second-guessing yourself on the issue of your own creative self-expression, and perhaps even allowing your internal explorations a greater part in all that you say and do.

The following was written by our resident monthly columnist Elodie St-Onge-Aubut of Ninth House Astrology

Your ruler Mercury is currently transiting in the sign of Taurus along with the Sun and Uranus. The first half of May is like the final preparation that needs to happen backstage before the show begins. Taurus season is a time of the year when you might need more space for reflection, contemplation, and relaxation. It’s the perfect time for a thorough inner and outer spring-cleaning; an occasion to let go of ancient grudges or simply to reset your stance before the Sun enters your sign on May 20th.

The North Node of the Moon enters Gemini on May 5th, which means that the eclipses of the next two years will begin to occur on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. This in turn will bring an emphasis to your sign. The North and South Nodes of the Moon are two theoretical points used in Astrology to delineate where the eclipses are taking place. They represent the points at which the orbit of the Moon meets with the ecliptic. They are not planets but they are used extensively both in Western and Vedic Astrology as they carry a significant charge influencing the signs in which they find themselves. Imagine yourself on one end of a bridge. For the next two years, circumstances will move you forward on this bridge and onto the other side into a totally different set of circumstances. This does not need to be a daunting or scary process, and will most likely happen organically. When you get to the other side of the bridge in two years, you will look back and realize that the opportunity seized during this time period, and the decisions made, carried you into this new reality. The first eclipse in Gemini won’t happen until late November. However, the Nodes enter the Gemini-Sagittarius axis this month and signal the beginning of this transformative motion.

Venus is currently transiting in your sign and squaring Neptune in Pisces. This aspect will be more or less exact all month carrying confusion in connection with your career direction. Your role might be hard to define at the moment, creating a situation where you don’t know when you are working, and when you are off. There could be a draining element you have to contend with or could be trying to ignore. Venus in Gemini for the next several months brings up questions of worth — and this aspect from Neptune could make you feel at loss on how to present yourself or what to focus on.

The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 7th highlights your workflow and how you tackle your days. You might not feel extremely productive right now or it could be that your energy level is low. It’s a good time to assess your routine from social media usage to physical activities and eating habits. You might gain clarity on how to better approach your daily process in order to feel less depleted and gain vitality.

Mercury enters Gemini on May 11th, which actually does bring a good amount of clarity to your thinking. Saturn in Aquarius had just stationed retrograde, followed by Venus in your sign as well, and then Jupiter in Capricorn by 14th. Mid-May is therefore a huge turning point for you in this month. Circumstances will start to shift, or you might be called to reassess a situation. It could be that a project needs extra planning or that new information comes to light that changes your plans. Either way you look at it, things will be shifting and might become busier trying to keep up.

The Sun enters your sign on May 20th, bringing much needed light and energy into your life. This is always a good time of the year for Gemini’s, and you should start to regain some perspective on the current state of your affairs.

The New Moon in Gemini arrives on May 22nd. This is a somewhat difficult lunation, you’re your ruler Mercury conjoined Venus retrograde in your sign, and squaring Neptune in Pisces. This sounds complicated, and that might seem so in your life in general. It’s a confusing time with a lot of different options coming through. With Neptune involved there is always the possibility of being deceived, or of self-deception. This could be fine, an idealization of what is truly there, or it could be that things are as twisted as they seem. This New Moon is a good one to decide on the information you consume, how well you trust its sources, or how much time you spend on the Internet. You will likely be looking for intellectual stimulation, and good conversation. Favoring quality over quantity could be a good watchword to help you sort it out. An even better New Moon activity might be to start a creative project that helps you disconnect from the news.


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