Leo Horoscope for March 2015

Leo Horoscope for March 2015

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

You find yourself in somewhat fortunate circumstances, Leo, with Jupiter still quite active in your sign while the Sun tours your intimacy sector. You are experiencing many different forms of success, not least of which is an almost magical ability to charm others. You benefit by weathering surprises with calm deliberation and by also facing squarely whatever internal upsets unexpectedly arise. When you look more closely into where all this leads, you might see that it does not entirely satisfy you that you idealize certain aspects of relationship while skipping their inherent lessons. You have the need to fly high on your own wings, just as you simultaneously continue to reap the rewards of connection and co-creation. An approach that is both light-hearted and also at bottom entirely serious gets you to the heart of the matter.

As the month begins, you are exploring partnership and issues of intimacy, while you also deepen your understanding of the way that you connect up with others. Having looked more closely, over recent weeks, into what benefits partners provide, and as well your own relationship dynamic, you are ready to enter into a new phase of partnership connectivity.

The theme of examining your orientation to issues of self and other is prominent for you this month. With Jupiter currently in retrograde motion through your own sign, you may also be continuing to expand your sense of identity and the nature of the relationship you have with yourself. At the timing of the New Moon, which marked the beginning of the current cycle, the Sun and Moon were in the final degree of the relationship sector of your solar chart, and as the Moon becomes full in the first week of the present month, the Sun has slipped into your sector of intimacy and shared resource. This is an indication that your attention is being called toward your relationships, particularly a partnership or potential partnership, and the way in which you navigate realms of intimate connection.

Jupiter is the planet of faith and expansion, and is in aspect with Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at the beginning of the month, and in addition to this, the Sun is nearly conjunct Chiron at Full Moon time. You therefore might be in for a very clear and poignant glimpse at your own wounding around intimacy, sexuality, or shared resource. Since you have the inclination to look at where you are holding on to prior trauma in these areas, it may serve you to be with these painful places inside you now in ways that you perhaps previously could not. Because you have grown with time and experience, you now might have better resources to be with what was too painful in the past to allow yourself to feel. There is something of a test of faith — in yourself and in life — that is implied here. While it can be a painful process to drudge up old hurt, the strong presence of Jupiter may allow for a better way to conceptualize this process. The beneficence of this cosmic influence can be viewed as a soothing balm of faith and hope in the face of difficult emotions, allowing greater access to avenues of self-acceptance and self-love, as you create more space inside of yourself for an array of experience, including pain, bliss, and everything in between.

Another big theme for this month is something of a juxtaposition, because Neptune, the nebulous planet of ethereal realms, is in dificult square with Saturn, the planet of limitation and practicality, which also stations retrograde on the 14th. Saturn in your fifth sector represents a degree of restriction in your creativity and self-expression. This could be appear as mildly as a need for creating different systems or boundaries for how you channel your creativity, or as strongly as feeling stifled and unable to breathe. This could become exacerbated by Neptune billowing lofty visions into your sails; your sense of what love and intimacy could be like in the utopian realm of your imagination is heightened, and perhaps too starkly contrasted against actual experience. This may feel confusing, but can ultimately lead you to a greater integration of your hopes and dreams with what could be concretely so, and grounded in practicality.

The transformational nature of these times is coming to another apex, mid-month, as Pluto and Uranus reach their final exact square on March 16th. The major ebb and flow of your universe could feel almost normalized by now, as you are beginning to take these massive shifts in stride. New realizations of life philosophy this month are likely to have much to do with the dynamics of your relating and loving, and the challenge and opportunity lies in integrating these new realizations into your everyday ways of being. The nature of relating outwardly is a reflection of how you are adopting of relating with yourself. Loving yourself more fully allows greater love to flow to those with whom you are close. There is massive breakthrough awaiting you in this climactic month, the fulcrum of a year of transformation.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
From $14.95

Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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