Leo Horoscope for April 2015

Leo Horoscope for April 2015

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another big month for transformation on many different levels, Leo. You are in the midst of a sensitive and potent lunar cycle, yet one having a definite edge, and representing a quest for action in support of soul intention. Your self-expression is studied and slowed down right now, perhaps in order that you might examine more closely what you are producing and your underlying motivation in so doing. You are occupied with idealistically looking within yourself for a better understanding of your own inner workings, and for clues to removing barriers to intimate connection with significant others. As you investigate and make necessary changes in habitual patterns, you might begin to notice that there is no way to separate yourself and your beliefs from the evidence that you gather; you are an indissoluble part of all that you observe.

As the month begins, you are riding the wave of introspective energy from the Pisces New Moon and Solar Eclipse that took place on the same day as the Spring Equinox, some twelve days past. This meant that a river of energy was available to you in yet a quite soft and sensitive way, pulling you further toward your deep inner process while at the very same time encouraging you to run with it. You are thus beckoned to outer orientation that nevertheless stems from a deeper place inside you than you ordinarily are willing to show to the world, or perhaps even to yourself. Your task now, as you enter the next phase of an important developmental cycle, is to integrate and to balance inner and outer concerns, so that you seem to remain entirely cheerful and at ease while everything inside you is churning away at the massive changes that you have undertaken in this recent era.

The first weekend of the month sees you into further alteration as a powerful lunar eclipse and Full Moon in your communications sector matches Libra balance with Aries energy — across the zodiac — for striking out into novel imaginative territory. You are seeking new perspectives as a means of transformational change, and putting a great deal of attention into this effort, that takes a visionary approach to your work in the world as a mission of service to the collective that somehow simultaneously advances your own individual selfhood in a healthy way. This is not ego, but pride of attainment, with that sense of being more fully yourself that comes from getting a better handle on what you want to accomplish in this world, as your own unique contribution, independent from the constraints of early conditioning of what everyone else around you might expect.

Saturn is strong in your solar chart in the timing of this monthly cycle, and holds you back in many ways from the fullest expression of your creative energies. Along with the daredevil spirit typified by a roaring Jupiter, located in your sign, you possess a sense of groundedness and caution that can be a constructive force for ensuring that your realizations lead to lasting change, affecting the way that you show up in the world with great responsibility and strength of character. You are finding a way to actualize socially as part of your own soul growth at an individual level. This potency lasts all month long, and into the next.

With Jupiter nearly stationary in your first or identity sector, acting like an outer planet, symbolizing standing up for faith in yourself and optimism in your possibilities, you have a strong potential now for taking what your soul knows to be right action in support of what you most deeply believe. April 4th (the lunar eclipse) and April 8th — when Jupiter turns to direct motion — are both important junctures for you in this regard. The other set of powerful dates are Thursday April 16th - Saturday April 18th when there is a late Aries New Moon that serves to help to summarize and encapsulate everything that has gone before this moment in time, from the standpoint of your understanding of what within you needs to transform.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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