Leo Horoscope for May 2015

Leo Horoscope for May 2015

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This continues to be the time of your transformation, Leo, although perhaps not as intensely action-oriented as before. While silently witnessing all that is going on within you, and reviewing the maturation of your beliefs, you are coming to see their usefulness in what you can concretely actualize with these new ways of perceiving. You might ultimately come to see the end result of all your striving in terms of its more global effect within the achievement-orientation of the tangible world. This hinges on commitment to individual creative acts that have as their goal the enhancement of the society itself. As you move forward with your spiritual development, you are almost overwhelmed by the beauty that you find inside, when you can remain open to the miracle of the planet, and of your deeds, within this most magical and yet practical framework.

As the month begins, you are finding both the limits of self-expression and also the unlimited nature of what you hold inside, in the relatively hidden spaces within you. The recent Aries New Moon, from mid-April, emphasized a thoughtful approach to your life and your beliefs in is inclusive of multiple points of view and brings your attention to the way that you can, while exploring to the hilt your own powers, yet even more comprehensively serve the world around you as you do. Neptune in your sector of personal evolution and intimacy is highlighted in this month's astrology, and takes you beyond the surface of your personality, into a serious exploration of inner layers of your psyche, connected to other dimensions of space and time that are beyond the here and now, and yet still utterly relevant to the physical realms of existence that they actually support.

You are therefore in the midst of an utterly expansive period of time, with Jupiter prominent in your sign, and while this is especially true if you were born in the middle of your sign, just before or just after the beginning of August, it is absolutely true for all Leo's. There is a feeling of 'can-do' that is irrepressible, and yet you have been encountering as well a sense of the vastness of the universe of which your contribution is a small and yet vital part, as well as the necessity for engaging all that dazzling personality power of yours in the gears of your social setting, helping to make the world around you a better place.

You may be finding yourself with ample positivity and ambition to pour yourself into your sense of purpose and the way in which you channel that purpose into the world. This is coming into greater alignment and ease with your daily habits, and health regimens, and the benefit of providing yourself with optimal self-care immediately trickles out into your work and various projects. Another piece of this puzzle is your realm of personal resource and finance, as it relates to both your sense of purpose and your well being. You are perhaps aware there are some pieces that have been neglected along the way, that are now beckoning your attention. By taking a careful look into your finances, you may notice places where you have not been eager to put your attention in the past. There could be areas where you have been too lax, or alternatively, to tight with material resources. By tending to these neglected spots, you can bring greater balance to the whole picture, freeing up energy and bandwidth to move forward in an even more empowered way.

The powerful T-Square to Jupiter by the Sun and Moon At the timing of the Full Moon, taking place on the first weekend of the month, on May 3rd, speaks of the need for further adjustment, in the midst of joyful excess. The fervor with which you apply and devote energy in your work and career realms requires equal and opposite rest, nourishment, and time spent at home with your emotions and receptive side. By striving for greater equilibrium between these areas, you will create a conduit of abundance, joy, and vitality. As you create balance within yourself, so shall your cup amply runneth over into whatever endeavors you choose.

While brimming with love and appreciation for your community, you may also have some confusion arise around your position within the social dynamics, or an inability to see things clearly in what arises. RecaLibration may also be needed later in the month when Mercury stations retrograde on the 18th. You may feel a tad stifled or restricted in terms of your community involvement, or in your individual self-expression within that environment. Generally speaking, the Mercury Retrograde period of time constitutes a reminder to slow down, look inward, and make necessary adjustments before emerging full-fledged once more into the outer world.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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