Leo Horoscope for February 2017

Leo Horoscope for February 2017

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is yet another month of amazing twists and turns for you, Leo, with many insights and learning along the way. Right now, too, much of your spirit of investigation has as its focus the subject of relationship connection. You are very aware of the contribution of significant persons in your life to your own shifts in your ways of seeing and even of influencing the world around you. They say that “two heads are better than one,” providing complementary viewpoints to your own. A richer amalgam than can be cooked up by yourself in solo is the result. You are all out for learning, and for serious expression, so that the joys and the potential conflicts that partners – or intended partners – bring to the table can also be seen in the context of your own process of growth and awareness. This has been building over recent months and still has legs, so enjoy the ride.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Maria DeSimone of Insightful Astrology:

There’s no doubt about it Leo – February could very well be a game changing month. Back on January 27 a New Moon dazzled your relationship sector, opening up doors of opportunity for you personally and professionally. During the first several days of this month you’ll continue to develop this potential. Perhaps you’re in negotiation with someone you want to join forces with in business. If so, you may want to officially sign contracts between February 7-16. Conversations will be vibrant and you’re likely to agree easily on terms – especially the financial ones. Alternatively, if you are dating someone special and thinking about making a more solid commitment, these early days of February will be ideal to move forward. You might decide to move in together, become engaged, get married or even start a family. If you’re thinking about going into business with your romantic partner you’ll have a green light this month. You’ll each support the other as you achieve personal and mutual goals.

The major event however will occur on February 10. At this time a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will fall in your sign at 22 degrees. If you were born from August 8-19 you’re likely to feel this Eclipse in a most profound way. The same holds true if you have Leo rising within five degrees of this Eclipse in either direction, or, if you have a personal planet or other angle close to 22 degrees of Leo.

In your case Leo, this Eclipse is likely to bring incredibly positive and fulfilling news or events. Consider this a personal turning point where you’ll gain a mind boggling level of awareness. While it’s true that a Lunar Eclipse can coincide with an ending or loss, this Eclipse is so beautifully aspected in the sky that fulfillment and illumination are more likely scenarios. This Eclipse will enjoy support from Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus helping you expand with the rare combination of innovation and steadiness. You’ll express yourself in the most positive light, inspiring others as well as yourself with your thoughts and ideas.
A creative project might be ready for release out into the world during this time and if so, you’ll be very proud of this endeavor. You may also hear significant news about an educational, legal or romantic matter – again, all likely to be in your favor.

By February 26 a New Moon Solar Eclipse will highlight your 8th house of shared resources. You might be considering investment opportunities. This will be a perfect time to share your economic visions with a trusted accountant or financial advisor. Lay the groundwork for whatever it is you want to manifest connected to business and finance – including retirement goals. Alternatively, you might be ready to take out a loan in order to purchase your dream home or car. It’ll be worth it.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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