Leo Horoscope for March 2017

Leo Horoscope for March 2017

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a month of discovering, growing and transforming, Leo, like many of the past six months or more. There yet is a way that you will reach new levels of growth over the course of a wild cycle of surprising and even startling enlightenment. Your learning curve is steep right now and so too are the rewards you will glean from following your inner instincts in this quest for knowledge and self-understanding. You have likely been a bit stuck in certain ways, reluctant to fully let go of some element of your behavior that has long passed its usefulness, and if so it is time to accept your flaws and move on. In furthering your continuing psychic momentum, communication and perception are key. The more you take in, the greater the opportunity for allowing that to ferment inside you in order to produce meaningful, and lasting, change.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School:

Because Lions are ruled by the Sun, eclipses are especially important events to consider. The recent solar eclipse (Feb 26th) in your 8th house of death, debt, fear of the future, and other people’s money or resources, may have you feeling on edge this month. You might be experiencing some setbacks, hardships, or general anxiety about the future right now. You might be worried about debt, taxes, or financial instability, or someone close to you, perhaps someone you rely on financially, might be going through some powerful changes in relationship to their job or livelihood. You may even be encountering death and loss or profound transformation this month. However, for as dark as all of this might sound, 8th house solar eclipses provide opportunities for Leos to do what they do best, and that’s shining with courage, generosity, and honor in times of darkness. Suffering nobly, suffering strong, suffering with dignity, these are highly underrated skills in a world that clearly places all the value on enjoyable experiences alone. This month perhaps you are here to find the joy of facing your fears, or the joy of moving into the unknown with an open and glad heart. Keep these thoughts in mind and remember that life is just as much about who we are during times of darkness or loss as it is about who we are during times of accomplishment and joy.

Meanwhile, most of this month’s astrology features Venus, Uranus, and Mars in your 9th house, in the sign of Aries, opposite Jupiter in your 3rd house, in the sign of Libra. This month also includes a Venus retrograde in your 9th house, beginning with Venus’ station on March 4th. These houses tend to highlight our beliefs and convictions as well as various challenges to our beliefs and convictions. If a Leo isn’t living intentionally from the throne of the heart, then the Lion is usually depressed or moody. Given the emphasis of these two houses, and the background of the 8th house eclipse this month, this might be a time where the King rides out into battle, exposing himself and his deepest convictions, but also leading the charge, vulnerable yet compelled to enter the fray. Remember that nothing lives forever, and the rightness of our beliefs is not what makes us special or powerful. In the end, the heart is as irrational as it is constant. It beats for itself and it has no intention other than to live and beat, live and beat. When a Leo has lost touch with their heart, it’s as though there is no reason for doing anything, and so the Lion will go looking for their “purpose.” This quest for the noble and reasonable “purpose” based on thought alone must fail. It can’t ever be completed based on the rightness of one ideal compared to another. The Leo’s journey back to their heart must be side tracked by the unexpected, the unintended, and even the unforeseen tragedy. Only then will the Lion naturally find the heart living and beating again, completely distracted from its oh so righteous cause but right back at home: alive, alert, and steady where it belongs.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

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