Leo Horoscope for August 2018

Leo Horoscope for August 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is a vitally interesting and profoundly transformative time for you Leo, so be sure to pay the closest possible attention to everything that happens around you and to you. The eclipses of summer have been landing on the grounds of your inner realms, tucked away deep underneath your surface layers, and most recently in your sign, and that brings your very sense of your own identity to the fore; you have been consulting with both your demons and your hidden angels. This begins with newfound intuitional awareness of your most profound purpose in being here on planet earth at this particular time and place, and proceeds to a poignant questioning of all sorts of motivation levels for your activity, most centrally those of a partnership nature. You are investigating your basis for relationship and what you intend there, as stemming from the darker layers of your personality as well as your Higher Self.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

Your August starts with a cymbal crash, as Mars retrograde in Aquarius in your seventh or relationship house squares Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career. This aspect happens just days after the lunar eclipse you just had in your seventh house (on July 27th). The themes of partnership, love, social image or reputation, and career or profession have thus been very strong for you lately. You may be going through some pretty serious changes, challenges, or confrontations with a lover or spouse, or you might be embodying something of the rebel or innovator in the work place. With this transit you’ll want to be careful of reactivity, conflicts, or the tendency for power struggles in both your intimate relationships and with bosses or co-workers. As a Leo you are generally very conscious of how others feel about you, but this transit may dare you to care just a little bit less about how popular you are, in favor of inner worth, at least for the moment!

Between August 6th and August 9th, the planet Venus will enter Libra in your third house of learning and communications, and immediately square Saturn in Capricorn in your sixth house. Don’t be surprised if you are working hard for the best diplomatic solution to a tricky situation, or if you are having to be incredibly measured and careful about how you communicate with others. While the month begins with the defiance and innovation of Mars and Uranus, the mood quickly shifts to one of seriousness, maturity, and diplomacy as you pick up on Venus with Saturn. On the other hand, you will want to be careful of being overly rigid or uncompromising. You may be driving a hard bargain or trying to convince others of something that you could easily accomplish with just a little more flexibility. Finally, don’t be surprised if while trying to communicate yourself to others you are met with different forms of resistance. Let the bigness of your heart and a reservoir of patience light your path, and remember that every “no,” from the universe is also a “yes” when you stay centered in the spirit of gratitude.

Now, here’s the big stuff. All month-long, Mercury is retrograde in your home sign, your first house of identity, suggesting that you are going through some significant personal changes. Perhaps you are learning how to express yourself, your energy, and your heart in a totally different way, or perhaps you are doing some deeper inner work right now. On the other hand, you might be striving to renew your self-confidence, your personal appearance, or even your health. Whatever the case might be, this Mercury Retrograde period allows you a unique moment of self-reflection, so be sure to take advantage of it, and remember that whatever naturally breaks down during Mercury Retrogrades is destined to do so. If you get curious about whatever is happening during a Mercury Retrograde period, you are usually blessed with new insights that can lead to spiritual growth and positive changes. Note that Mercury will turn direct on August 18th, at which point the energies and changes of the cycle will start coming to their resolution, while those frustrating delays or setbacks will also begin to dissolve.

On August 11th a solar eclipse lands once again in your first house, in your home sign. You have been receiving eclipses in your home sign ever since the winter of 2016-2017, and yet this one represents the culmination of all of them, which means that you are on the precipice of FULLY embodying a very long series of transformations. Think of it like a system update. There is a new you that has been slowly uploading for quite a while now. You’ve been watching your changes unfolding little by little, and bit by bit, and after this eclipse, with the new operating system on board, you are ready to finally launch a major new chapter of your life.

Finally, on August 26th, the Full Moon in Pisces lands in your eighth house, while Venus in Libra in your third house squares Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of service and personal mission. Watch again for some tricky or challenging themes surrounding communication in relationships. The Full Moon in the eighth house brings the themes of depth, death, and rebirth to mind, as does Pluto, while Venus in the third house in Libra reflects a more diplomatic, harmonizing, and communicative quality. Putting this all together, you might be seeking some tactful, beautiful, or more intelligent ways of exploring taboo or subversive subject matters. The eighth house Full Moon may also focus on a spouse or partner’s financial affairs, but with Venus square Pluto taking place at the same time you are likely to be considering the need for some deeper or more substantive changes in yourself, as well.

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