Leo Horoscope for September 2018

Leo Horoscope for September 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

Another crucial and transitional month puts the icing on the cake of previous weeks, Leo, a form of consolidation. The retrogrades and eclipses of summer, ending now, have hit you pretty hard. You are currently scrambling to more fully understand your revised mission statement. There is a way that you are here just for yourself, and yet equally you are here for others, and for societal progress. The long summertime process of introspection has undoubtedly yielded results, but what are they' You have fundamentally been digging into issues of identity, of who and what you really are, and as well the true impact of significant relationship upon your life. That intimacy is a mystical pathway might be your current mantra. The answers you seek are not to be found in consensus thinking nor yet in your typical science book. Shakespeare’s famous dictum is still very true today, when he reminded us that, “there are more things in heaven and earth that are dreamt of in our philosophy.”

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

The month begins with Mercury traveling through your home sign of Leo, making a sextile to Venus in Libra in your third house of communication and the mind culminating on September 3rd. It’s a moment where you are being empowered to communicate with greater effectiveness and balance to get a deal done, or perhaps to teach, encourage, or inspire others. You may also have the tendency to go over the top right now with how you are communicating, so be careful not to get too Shakespearean, but otherwise seize whatever opportunities you are being presented with to share yourself more creatively. As a Leo, you are at your best when you can shine, share, and inspire others.

On September 8th, Venus in Libra in your third house will then square Mars in Capricorn in your sixth house of work, sickness, and service. If you are managing any employees or workers, then you might be called on to mediate conflicts or tensions in the workplace, or you might be experiencing some level of creative or even romantic or sexual tension in your relationships that is challenging your ability to be as productive as you wish to be. At the same time, this transit provides an opportunity to create more balance and harmony in your daily life, perhaps creating a few healthier habits.

Then, on September 9th, the New Moon in Virgo falls in your second house of money, values, and resources, opposite Neptune in the eighth house of other people’s money or resources. With Mercury also in Virgo, well dignified in its own sign, and with your home planet of the Sun also in the second house right now, there are important changes happening in relation to what you own or possess, or to what you are considering investing your time and money into. However, you may also be navigating these very same topics within your relationships, or you might be trying to get clear about what you really want or value at this point in your journey, in general. With Neptune strongly aspected by this New Moon, it’s a good time to get organized in order to realign your life with your most sincere visions and dreams.

On September 12th, Venus in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will move into an opposition with Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career. Watch for sudden changes, innovation, or disruption related to home and family matters, or professional dynamics. Venus in combination with Uranus loves to defy traditional sexual and artistic values, so don’t be surprised if you are noticing an eccentric energy surrounding your work life or relationships right now, as well. It’s also important to note that next month Venus in Scorpio will be turning retrograde in your fourth house of home and family, suggesting that there are some significant changes, and possibly growth or healing challenges, ahead for you in this area. It’s therefore important to look to the big picture and separate the forest from the trees, knowing that you’re on the brink of a transformational process on the home front.

Then, on September 18th, Mars in Aquarius in your seventh house of relationships will also square Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career. Over the course of most of the summer months, Mars was retrograde in your seventh house of relationships, provoking changes, challenges, revision, and healing. Now, as Mars comes back through the same house by direct motion, there is an opportunity for integration and implementation of the lessons learned or the insights and inspiration gained. The square from Mars to Uranus in your career house also suggests activity and a potential breakthrough in regard to your career.

Between September 22nd and 23rd, your ruling planet, the Sun, is passing through the gateway of the Fall Equinox, entering Libra and therefore moving into your third house, emphasizing for the next thirty days the topics of the mind and communication, learning and siblings, neighbors and short journeys. This period may also invite you to be introspective or reflective, becoming more attentive to those you are in relationships with or perhaps seeking greater balance or harmony in how you express yourself to the world.

Finally, on September 24th, the Full Moon in early Aries lands in your ninth house of higher education, spirituality, religion, and long journeys, opposite the Sun and Mercury in Libra in the third house of the mind, communication, and siblings, creating a T-square to Saturn in the sixth house of work and service. Given that Mercury is in your third house, and that Mars is still traveling through your seventh house of relationships, you may be actively engaging others in invigorating conversations about spirituality and beliefs, philosophical or political topics, or other topics that you are eager to talk or debate about. There is an aura of learning and even adventure surrounding this Full Moon but be careful of the potential for intense ideas and combative beliefs to create tension in your relationships. The tell-tale signs of someone advanced in spiritual life are patience, humility, modesty, and tolerance. Being “right” should never trump being compassionate and considerate of others. With your ruling planet, the Sun, in Libra, you are poised to be a voice of reason, balance, and fairness for others right now, and you can do this even while expressing your most passionate beliefs.

With the massive changes that are happening now, I highly recommend that folks get a transit report tailored specifically to their chart for the most accurate description of what's in store for you in the months ahead.

What is in store for you in the next few months?

future forecast astrology report
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Find out with this report that gives detailed descriptions of your transits for a three, six or twelve month period. This report was written by astrologer Henry Seltzer.

All transits are fully interpreted with insightful clues on how to navigate the challenges ahead and gives the date range for when each transit is in effect. Includes transits to planets Mars through Pluto. Also includes interpretations for Chiron - a unique feature of this report!

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