Leo Horoscope for October 2018

Leo Horoscope for October 2018

Posted on in Leo |
By for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

This is another big month for you, Leo, as you continue to work your individual contribution into the bigger picture of what you can provide to the society that surrounds you. Your learning curve is huge right now, and your worldview mightily shifting. Concepts of service have been growing within you all summer, and especially lately, with a powerful current emphasis on Saturn implying responsibility, limitation, and dedication to your path. This is complicated by an equally potent presence of Uranus that is always urging something novel that could be attempted. Your professional aims are at an interesting juncture, with plentiful new ideas that are potentially reined in by concerns over the risks involved. As Venus retrogrades through your home and family sector, lasting throughout the month, you will also be looking beneath the covers of family, relationship, and career choices, so that it may be best to wait until mid-November for making any irrevocable decisions in any of these areas.

The following was written by this month's guest columnist Adam Elenbaas of The Nightlight Astrology School

On October 1st and 2nd, your month gets started with Mercury in Libra in your third house of the mind and communication making a square to Pluto in Capricorn in your sixth house of labor, sickness, and service. There is an opportunity to make an important choice, to change or speak your mind, to give or receive an important piece of information, or to labor through a difficult communicative challenge in search of healing or resolution. The energy behind this transit is powerful, so be careful that you do not exhaust yourself mentally. However, you also shouldn’t allow yourself to miss opportunities to let your natural enthusiasm and intelligence be of service to others.

On October 5th, Venus will turn retrograde in your fourth house of home and family, announcing a forty-day period of transformation at the very roots of your being. You are ready to make deep and lasting changes in your relationships, in your style or appearance, or regarding your home, family, and property. With Venus in Scorpio the journey ahead may be emotionally intense, as the sign of Scorpio often involves confrontations with the unconscious or with those elements of our lives that we try to hide away from others. This transit will require you to be authentic and brave, but you will also do well to keep your ego from getting involved in any unnecessary drama on the home front.

On October 8th, the New Moon will fall in Libra in your third house, emphasizing the importance of communication and speech, the mind, and learning, in this month. There are also changes to be encountered in your workplace, or in your level of dedication to what you conceive to be your life purpose, and these could also be triggered by this New Moon. You may also notice the themes of siblings and neighbors, or short journeys and travel also popping up in the weeks ahead. With your ruling planet, the Sun, moving through Libra you are looking for mental and intellectual balance and grace in all that you do. It’s a rare person who can fill up a room with their presence without simultaneously overshadowing anybody else, and that’s exactly the balance you’re looking for in the Moon cycle ahead.

October 10th, Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will square Mars in Aquarius in your seventh house of relationships, just as Mercury enters Scorpio, there opposing rebellious Uranus in Taurus at the beginning of your tenth house of career. This is a pressure-cooker moment for you in which you are faced with significant choices and changes in relation to the major topical areas of the birth chart: home and family, relationships and love, and career, all at once.

On October 11th, the Sun in your third house of mental function is squaring Pluto in the sixth house of labor, sickness and service. With the third and sixth houses also highlighted during this busy time of the month, it’s important that you think through things very carefully and resist the rush to bulldoze through the pressure of the moment with an overly rigid mindset. On the other hand, putting on a good face and trying to please everyone while being dishonest with yourself or others is not going to cut it, either. The best advice is to come at everything you’re faced with right now from your heart. When you meet challenges from your heart you have a unique way of winning over the hearts of others, which can instantly transform seasons of intensity into times of inspiration, service, and excitement.

On October 19th, Mercury in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family will square Mars in Aquarius in your seventh house of relationships, emphasizing once again the importance of communication in relationships and changes at home this month. Be mindful of an overly combative energy with this transit, but don’t be afraid to utilize the depth and intelligence of Mercury and Mars to penetrate straight to the heart of the issues you are faced with.

Lastly, the Full Moon of October 24th will conjoin Uranus in Taurus in your tenth house of career and oppose Venus retrograde in Scorpio in your fourth house of home and family. With Venus in Scorpio also set to oppose Uranus in Taurus on October 30th, entering Libra the next day, the end of the month features the tension between ongoing changes in relation to home and family and transformation taking place in the career house. Since May of 2018, Uranus in your tenth house has been announcing the start of some big changes in your professional life, but this Venus retrograde period through your fourth house of home and family is requiring that things at home be addressed before the long-term changes you’re looking for in your career can be fully embodied.

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